Auditing definition by spicer and pegler

What are auditing techniques?

Auditing Techniques 1

To an auditor, auditing techniques are the working tools used and applied for identification and examination of those evidences which have been traced by audit procedures

2 Distinction: The dictionary meaning of the word 'technique' is the 'method of performance or execution' and that of 'procedure' is 116

What if an auditor finds a slip or chit?

If the auditor finds any slip, chit or I


U’s in respect of temporary advances paid to the employees, included as part of the cash balance, he should have them initialed by a responsible official and debited to appropriate accounts

(b) Cash in Transit (Remittance in Transit) 1

What is the meaning of Audit?

DEFINITION OF AUDITING Spicer and Pegler have defined audit as “ such an examination of the books, accounts and vouchers of a business as will enable the auditor to satisfy himself that the Balance Sheet is properly drawn up, so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the business and whether the profit and


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Audit programs should be designed so that