Auditing quiz multiple choice

  • 18 The auditor should express an unmodified opinion when the auditor concludes that the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material re- spects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
  • What are the objectives of audit Mcqs?

    The primary objective of an audit is to provide an opinion on financial statements.
    To do so, the auditor reviews the financial statements to ensure that they are true and fair representations of the enterprise's financial situation and operational results..

  • Internal auditor is appointed by the management or the board members of the company.
Jun 22, 2023d) Any manufacturing companies.
Ans: c) Banking companies.
Joint audit implies.,Jun 22, 2023In this page, you will get Auditing MCQs Multiple Choice Questions and Answers which are useful for B.
Com and Various Professional Exams 

How do you conduct an audit?

Inform engagement team of the nature, timing, and extent of audit procedures

Review the work of other engagement team members

Evaluate the results of the work and whether it supports the conclusions reached

Analytical procedures


A procedure that provides evidence about two different account balances at the same time

What is a compliance audit?

Compliance audits evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of any part of an organization's operating procedures and methods

The final exams for the Audit class are just around the corner and the quiz below is designed to help you pass the quiz by getting rid of the cold feet you may be having


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