Auditing for specialized industries

  • How should an auditor treat an expert's work in relation to auditing a specialized industry?

    The auditor should (a) obtain an understanding of the methods and assumptions used by the specialist, (b) make appropriate tests of data provided to the specialist, taking into account the auditor's assessment of control risk, and (c) evaluate whether the specialist's findings support the related assertions in the .

  • What are specialized industries in auditing?

    A specialized industry is a distinct market that has a unique way of accounting for transactions and reporting its financial results.
    These differences are allowed under the applicable accounting framework, such as IFRS or GAAP.
    Examples of specialized industries are airlines, banking, and insurance.Sep 16, 2022.

  • What are the types of Specialised audit?

    Examples of special audits are noted below:

    Compensation audits.Compliance audits.Construction audit.Controls audits.Cost audits.Fraud audits.Information systems audit.Royalty audits..

  • What are the types of Specialised audit?

    Special Audits and Investigations are “special purpose” audits, examples of which include environmental audits, information technology audits and procurement audits.
    Fraud and forensic investigations also fall under this heading..

  • What is a specialized industry and its audit considerations?

    A specialized industry is a distinct market that has a unique way of accounting for transactions and reporting its financial results.
    These differences are allowed under the applicable accounting framework, such as IFRS or GAAP.
    Examples of specialized industries are airlines, banking, and insurance.Sep 16, 2022.

  • What is a specialized industry in auditing?

    A specialized industry is a distinct market that has a unique way of accounting for transactions and reporting its financial results.
    These differences are allowed under the applicable accounting framework, such as IFRS or GAAP.
    Examples of specialized industries are airlines, banking, and insurance.Sep 16, 2022.

  • What is an industry specialist auditor?

    Industry specialist auditors are defined as auditors who've developed industry expertise, thanks to which they are able to provide higher quality audits and more efficient services to their clients..

  • What is auditor industry specialization?

    auditors specialize as a means of improving their quality, and firms in nonregulated industries are. switching to the auditor perceived as offering higher quality services.
    In addition, we find. evidence that concentration levels are higher in industries with greater client-firm concentration..

  • What is reasonable assurance as required in the audit of companies in a specialized industry?

    Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance.
    It is obtained when the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence to reduce audit risk (i.e., the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated) to an acceptably low level..

  • What is specialized auditing?

    A special audit is a tightly-defined audit that only looks at a specific area of an organization's activities.
    This type of audit may be initiated by a government agency, but could be authorized by any entity, or even internally.
    Examples of special audits are noted below: Compensation audits..

  • What is the importance of audit in industry?

    Why are Audit's important? An audit is important as it provides credibility to a set of financial statements and gives the shareholders confidence that the accounts are true and fair.
    It can also help to improve a company's internal controls and systems..

  • What is the main purpose of auditing and assurance in specialized industries?

    The ultimate goal in performing an audit is to provide reasonable assurance to the users of the financial information that the balances are materially correct through our audit opinion.Apr 17, 2023.

  • Which industry is best for audit?

    Healthcare: The industry also offers opportunities for auditors to examine financial records, billing practices, and compliance with healthcare regulations.
    Energy and Utilities: Companies in this sector also require auditors to ensure compliance with industry regulations and financial reporting..

  • Which industry is the hardest to audit?

    Industries that have long term customer contracts, such as insurance or oil and gas production-primarily due to the complexity of revenue recognition.
    Banks-Primarily due to the number of regulatory bodies and strict rules and regulations that must be dealt with and the fact that you have to do a daily closing process..

  • Industries that have long term customer contracts, such as insurance or oil and gas production-primarily due to the complexity of revenue recognition.
    Banks-Primarily due to the number of regulatory bodies and strict rules and regulations that must be dealt with and the fact that you have to do a daily closing process.
  • Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance.
    It is obtained when the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence to reduce audit risk (i.e., the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated) to an acceptably low level.
  • SPECIAL AUDITOR means Auditors listed in the panel of Auditors having same powers as of the company's AUDITOR as envisaged in the Companies Act, 1956.
  • Special audits are needed when it is suspected that laws or regulations have been violated in the financial management of an organisation.
    In conjunction with investigating violations, audits can be carried out pertaining to duties, authorisations, responsibilities and internal control guidelines, for example.
  • The ultimate goal in performing an audit is to provide reasonable assurance to the users of the financial information that the balances are materially correct through our audit opinion.Apr 17, 2023
Larger audit firms are likely to meet the competence requirement for almost any type of industry – they will either already possess necessary skill and  ,The audit of a client in a specialised industry can pose some challenges to the audit firm.
However, with proper consideration of competence, and by providing  ,This article provides some insight into the matters that need to be considered by auditors when engaged to provide the external audit service to a client 

How can an audit firm help a specialised industry client?

To assist audit team members assigned to a specialised industry client, the audit firm is likely to have additional resources available

There may be briefing notes or internal technical guidance on how financial reporting standards should be applied within the sector

How difficult is a specialised audit?

The audit of a client in a specialised industry can pose some challenges to the audit firm

However, with proper consideration of competence, and by providing staff with additional support and guidance, these audits should not necessarily be more complex or challenging to plan and perform

What is an example of a specialist in a financial audit?

For instance in the audit of a bank, specialists may be brought in to value complex financial instruments

,their findings

It is particularly important that the auditor evaluates the relevance and adequacy of the expert’s findings or conclusions

There is a danger of over-reliance on the auditor can pass all responsibility over to an expert

Auditing for specialized industries
Auditing for specialized industries

Organizations involved with motor vehicles

The automotive industry comprises a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design

  1. Development
  2. Manufacturing
  3. Marketing
  4. Selling
  5. Repairing

And modification of motor vehicles.It is one of the world's largest industries by revenue.

Industries that are information intensive

The information industry or information industries are industries that are information intensive in one way or the other.It is considered one of the most important economic branches for a variety of reasons.

Design and fabrication of semiconductors

?billion as of 2011

Annual consumer electronics sales expected to reach $2.9 trillion by 2020

Tech industry sales expected to reach $5 trillion in 2019

And e-commerce with over $29 trillion in 2017.In 2019

32.4% of the semiconductor market segment was for networks and communications devices.

Together for Sustainability AISBL (TfS) is a joint initiative of

Together for Sustainability AISBL (TfS) is a joint initiative of

Together for Sustainability AISBL (TfS) is a joint initiative of chemical companies

Founded in 2011.It focuses on the promotion of sustainability practices in the chemical industry's supply chain

Currently gathering chemical companies around a single standard of auditing and assessment.

The video game industry is the tertiary and quaternary

The video game industry is the tertiary and quaternary

Economic sector involved with the development, marketing and sales of video games

The video game industry is the tertiary and quaternary sectors of the entertainment industry that specialize in the development

  1. Marketing
  2. Distribution

Monetization and consumer feedback of video games.The industry encompasses dozens of job disciplines and thousands of jobs worldwide.


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