Audit after amended return

  • What is the period for amended returns?

    Time limitations to amend
    To receive a tax refund, an amended return needs to be filed by the later of: Three years from the original due date of the return.
    Three years from the date you actually file if after the deadline.
    Within two years of paying tax for that year..

  • Will I be audited if I amend my return?

    That means the IRS doesn't automatically accept amended returns.
    However, the IRS won't open an audit (or, “examination”) simply because you file an amended return..

  • Will I get audited for an amended return?

    Note: filing an amended return does not affect the selection process of the original return.
    However, amended returns also go through a screening process and the amended return may be selected for audit.
    Additionally, a refund is not necessarily a trigger for an audit.Aug 17, 2023.

  • The previously filed tax return is usually referred to as the “original tax return.” But any number of amended tax returns can be filed.
    Each amended tax return amends the previous original or amended tax return.
In general, it takes the IRS eight to 12 weeks to process an amended return, but it can take up to 16 weeks depending on the IRS backlog of amended returns.
(  ,The IRS won't open an audit simply because you file an amended return.
But, there are things you should know about filing Form 1040X.

Can an amended tax return result in an audit?

It depends on what you include in the amended tax return

However, it’s common for people to make mistakes when submitting their taxes, and provided you don’t submit intentionally false information, an amendment won’t automatically result in an audit

To file an amendment, fill out form 1040-X and either e-file or file the form through the mail

When can I file an amended tax return?

At any time after filing your return with the IRS, you can submit an amended return if you're made a mistake on a tax return

You have three years from the time you've filed or two years from the time you paid the taxes on a return, whichever is later, so if you filed an extension, the clock starts then

When can the IRS audit a return?

Generally, the IRS must audit a return within three years of its filing, but there are some situations in which the IRS can audit a return after that time period

Listed below are some of the more common features or characteristics of a return that may make it more likely to be selected for an audit


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