Audit used in a sentence

  • How are audits used?

    The findings of an internal audit are used to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, make improvements to internal controls, and help management identify flaws in processes prior to a review by external auditors.
    External auditors work outside of the company and independently evaluate financial records..

  • What is the plural form of audit?

    1 audit /ˈɑːdət/ noun. plural audits..

  • What is the use of audit?

    Audit is an important term used in accounting that describes the examination and verification of a company's financial records.
    It is to ensure that financial information is represented fairly and accurately..

  • Why audit is used?

    The purpose of an audit is to form a view on whether the information presented in the financial report, taken as a whole, reflects the financial position of the organisation at a given date, for example: Are details of what is owned and what the organisation owes properly recorded in the balance sheet?.

The bank first learned of the problem when it carried out an internal audit. Accountants have conducted an audit of the company, and uncovered the accounting discrepancies.
The regulator would reserve the right to declare a bank solvent after an audit.,An audit is an inspection of business accounts that is carried out by an accountant in order to make sure that they are correct.
Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.
The company's taxes for the years involved in the controversy are currently being audited.,It may be the anonymous senior bank audit partner of one of the big accounting firms.
Times, Sunday Times.
Madrid will also ask two independent auditing 

What is another word for audit?

Audit in a sentence (esp

,good sentence like quote, proverb

) Synonym: audited account , inspect , scrutinise , scrutinize

Similar words: plaudit , auditor , plaudits , auditory , audition , auditorium , audio , audible

Meaning: ['ɔːdɪt] n

×Here are some examples of how to use "audit" in a sentence:
  • We will need a complete audit of the disease if we are going to find out what it is and how we can stop it.
  • You will need all your records if you are selected for audit by the IRS.
  • An internal audit revealed that funds had been misdirected into the CEO's private account.
  • According to a recent audit, nearly nine billion dollars intended for purposes of financing humanitarian needs and economic reconstruction in Iraq is unaccounted for.
  • Anne's home business got audited last year, but she had all her receipts and stuff, so there wasn't any problem.

Penalty in Chinese law

Death with reprieve is a criminal punishment found in the law of the People's Republic of China.According to the criminal law chapter 5

  1. Sections 48
  2. 50 and 51

It gives the death row inmate a two-year suspended sentence of the execution.The convicted person will be executed if found to have committed further crimes during the two years following the sentence; otherwise

The sentence is automatically reduced to life imprisonment or a fixed-term imprisonment if the person is found to have performed deeds of merit during the two years.


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