Philosophy behind auditing

  • What is the history and philosophy behind auditing?

    Historically, auditing was concerned with accounting for government activities and reviewing the work done by tax collectors.
    In the early years of auditing, the keeping and maintaining of accounting records was done primarily to detect fraudulent activity..

  • What is the philosophy of audit?

    The philosophy of an audit is that they will test your financial statements, look at your transactions, take samples and evaluate if you can justify the transaction (having proper invoices and documentation, etc.).Jan 23, 2022.

  • What is the philosophy of auditing?

    The basic principles of auditing are confidentiality, integrity, objectivity, independence, skills and competence, work performed by others, documentation, planning, audit evidence, accounting system and internal control, and audit reporting..

  • What is the philosophy of internal audit?

    Competence, integrity, and loyalty are essential in the field of internal auditing.
    All internal auditors must exercise those qualities to be regarded as professionals and to be respected by both peers and superiors..

  • Based on the risks and controls identified, auditors consider what management does has done to ensure the financial report is accurate, and examine supporting evidence.
  • Competence, integrity, and loyalty are essential in the field of internal auditing.
    All internal auditors must exercise those qualities to be regarded as professionals and to be respected by both peers and superiors.
Jan 23, 2022The philosophy of an audit is to provide assurance that financial information is reliable, accurate, and presented in ac.
Continue reading.,Jan 23, 2022The “philosophy” of an audit is independence.
The reputation for integrity of an accounting firm gives credibility to its clients' financial  ,ABSTRACT.
The main aim of this paper is that of creating an integrate vision, a holistic one, regarding the existence and contribution of audit activities.,Auditing engagements have come primarily through management.
It is the management of the company that makes the arrangements with the auditor to provide audit  ,Mautz and Sharaf conceive of auditing as a field of knowledge built on a central core of abstract through including mathematics, logic and metaphysics.,Those who emphasize this new and expanded role for independent auditors are quick to point out that financial statement data are an important basis for.

Is auditing a specialized field of knowledge?

,other conclusion than that auditing Is a specialized field of knowl-edge,that it warrants and needs the type of study attempted inthe remaining chapters of this monograph,and that the develop-ment of a sound philosophy of auditing is a challenge worthy ofthe best minds the profession has to offer

Is there a theory of auditing?

It is our cdoVintrOii that there is a theory of auditing, that thereexist a number of basic assumptions and a body of integrated ideas,the understanding of which will be direct assistance in the devel-opment and practice of the art of auditing

What is a philosophy of auditing?

In the final analyst's, a philoso-phy of auditing must stand the scrutiny of experts

,On the onehand,it must recognize the particular nature of auditing, its ob- •_festive, method, and economic function,On the other hand,itmust realize that philosophy has both a critical and a construc-tive function
×The philosophy of audit involves the following principles:
  • Integrity
  • Competence and due professional care
  • Objectivity and freedom from undue influence (independence)
  • Alignment with the strategies, objectives, and risks of the organization
  • Appropriate positioning and adequate resourcing
  • Quality and continuous improvement
The philosophy of accounting involves the general rules and ideals that surround the auditing, preparation, and release of financial information.
Philosophy behind auditing
Philosophy behind auditing

Chinese school of philosophy


Often referred to as Legalism

Is one of six classical schools of thought in Chinese philosophy.The Fa school of thought represents several branches of what Feng Youlan called men of methods—statesmen or theoreticians often compared in the west with political realism—who contributed greatly to the construction of the bureaucratic Chinese empire.Although lacking a recognized founder

The earliest persona of the Fajia may be considered Guan Zhong

While Chinese historians commonly regard Li Kui as the first Legalist philosopher.Sinologist Herrlee G.Creel regarded the combination of administrator Shen Buhai and Legalist Shang Yang

Syncretized under Han Fei

As becoming what would historically be known as the Fajia

With the former two representing its founding branches.

The philosophy of accounting is the conceptual framework for the professional

The philosophy of accounting is the conceptual framework for the professional

Conceptual framework

The philosophy of accounting is the conceptual framework for the professional preparation and auditing of financial statements and accounts.The issues which arise include

The difficulty of establishing a true and fair value of an enterprise and its assets; the moral basis of disclosure and discretion; the standards and laws required to satisfy the political needs of investors

Employees and other stakeholders.


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