Auditing period

How long is an audit period?

An audit period is typically six months or twelve months, and the auditor issues an opinion and performs testing on controls that were in place over a period of time

So, get with your auditor at KirkpatrickPrice and talk about what your audit period should be and what would be most appropriate for your situation

What is audit cycle?

The audit cycle is the procedure in which auditors of an organization review the financial statements and find gaps in the current processes so that appropriate corrections can be made; The steps or stages in the audit ensure that it is performed diligently and the report publishes information whose validity can be determined and is accurate

Auditing period
Auditing period

Period of Greek history from 323 to 31 BC

In classical antiquity

The Hellenistic period covers the time in Mediterranean history after Classical Greece

Between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the death of Cleopatra VII

Followed by the emergence of the Roman Empire

As signified by the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt the following year.The Ancient Greek word Hellas was gradually recognized as the name for Greece

From which the word Hellenistic was derived. Hellenistic is distinguished from Hellenic in that the latter refers to Greece itself

While the former encompasses all ancient territories under Greek influence

In particular the East after the conquests of Alexander the Great.


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