Environmental auditing roundtable

What are the top administration needs for environmental auditing?

Top administration needs shoulddetermine the definition of environmental auditing used by an individual in cities or region

Communication should be maintained between the top management and the level ofoperation being audited

The reasons behind the audit should be expressed

What did we learn from the audit Roundtable webinar on sustainability?

Our webinar on "Internal Audit Roundtable on Auditing Sustainability" took place on Friday, 18 June 2021

During this webinar we provided insights on the following topics: For decades, increasing attention has been given to the concepts of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and Sustainability

What is environmental auditing?

Environmental Auditing is an environmental tool to measure the effects of certain activities against a set criteria or standard and to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing environmental management systems

The public participation or stakeholder engagement form part of the Environmental Authorisation and Water Use License Application

Concept in political ecology and environmental policy

Environmental governance (EG) consist of a system of laws

  1. Norms
  2. Rules

Policies and practices that dictate how the board members of an environment related regulatory body should manage and oversee the affairs of any environment related regulatory body which is responsible for ensuring sustainability (sustainable development) and manage all human activities—political

Social and economic.Environmental governance includes


Business and civil society

And emphasizes whole system management.To capture this diverse range of elements

Environmental governance often employs alternative systems of governance

For example watershed-based management.


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