Auditing long term liabilities

Should a company report current liabilities as long-term liabilities?

If a company has current liabilities that are being refinanced into long-term liabilities, the intent to refinance is present, and there is evidence that the refinancing has begun, then it may report current liabilities as long-term liabilities because after the refinancing, the obligations are no longer due within 12 months

What are long-term liabilities?

Long-term liabilities are listed in the balance sheet after more current liabilities, in a section that may include debentures, loans, deferred tax liabilities, and pension obligations

Long-term liabilities are obligations not due within the next 12 months or within the company’s operating cycle if it is longer than one year

What types of liabilities are audited?

It describes the characteristics of liabilities from an auditing perspective, and then goes on to describe the steps required to audit many types of liabilities, including accounts payable, accrued liabilities, and debt

There is a particular emphasis on the search for unrecorded liabilities

×When auditing long-term liabilities, auditors should:
  • Perform a risk assessment over long term liabilities.
  • Assess the internal control structure surrounding long term liabilities.
  • Perform audit procedures to test long term liability balances.
  • Understand required financial statement disclosures for long term liabilities.
  • Test the existence, rights and obligations, completeness, and valuation of long-term liabilities.
  • Ensure proper classification and disclosure of information including important restrictions contained in the debt obligations.
Auditing long term liabilities
Auditing long term liabilities

Liabilities of the business that are to be settled in cash

In accounting

current liabilities are often understood as all liabilities of the business that are to be settled in cash within the fiscal year or the operating cycle of a given firm

Whichever period is longer.

Fixed liability

Fixed liability

Debt, bond, mortgage or loan

\nA fixed liability is a debt


Mortgage or loan that is payable over a term exceeding one year.Such debts are better known as non-current liabilities or long-term liabilities.Debts or liabilities due within one year are known as current liabilities.


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