Aasb auditing standards

What does IASB stand for?

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has published proposed narrow-scope amendments to IFRS Accounting Standards and accompanying guidance as part of its periodic maintenance of the Accounting Standards

The AASB proposes the same amendments to Australian Accounting Standards in ED

What does the AASB do?

Learn about the AASB’s activities to support assurance in this area

The Independent Review Committee on Standard Setting in Canada conducted a review of the governance and structure for establishing Canadian accounting, auditing, and assurance standards, as well what might be needed for the future – including sustainability standards

What is the AASB Accounting Standards portal?

View the latest Accounting Standards by operative date and recent compiled and uncompiled amending pronouncements

The portal is an initiative of the AASB to improve the accessibility, functionality and usability of the Standards and other pronouncements issued by the AASB that apply to reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2021


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