Auditing dashboard

What are some examples of Dashboard Reporting?

We have developed some examples of dashboard reporting which audit committees may find helpful

Here are two examples of dashboards internal audit could use to cover key topics such as trends and themes of reviews, high risk observations and status of remediations plans

What is audit dashboard?

Audit dashboard was acquired in 2014 by Linkdex, an Australia-based company specializing in digital marketing tools

With the Audit Board you can; Identify the extent of risk and proactively address it

You can increase your return on investment as an independent strategic value investor by properly managing your risks

When did audit dashboard become popular?

Due to its sophisticated features and simplicity of use, Dutchman Toon Segers’ audit dashboard gained popularity in 2010 and continues to do so today

Audit dashboard was acquired in 2014 by Linkdex, an Australia-based company specializing in digital marketing tools

Auditing dashboard
Auditing dashboard

MDG / Sustainabilty software

The Dashboard of Sustainability is a free-of-charge

Non-commercial software package configured to convey the complex relationships among economic


And environmental issues.\nThe software is designed to help developing countries achieve the Millennium Development Goals and work towards sustainable development.The software package was developed by members of the Consultative Group on Sustainable Development Indicators (CGSDI)

And has been applied to quite a number of indicator sets

Inter alia to the Millennium Development Goals indicators and the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development indicators.


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