Java auditing framework

What are the best frameworks for auditing?

Maybe you should have a look at Audit4j that provides auditing of business functionality and has several options for configuration

Another framework is JaVers that focues more on auditing low-level modification on persistence layer, which might match your case a bit better

What is Javers data auditing framework?

The data auditing framework is built on top of the object diff engine , which could be used as a standalone object diff tool for ad-hoc comparison of two object graphs

All JaVers functions are exposed via a single Facade, the Javers instance

As you can see, JaVers API is concise and simple

Which JPA extensions provide auditing functionality?

Next, we’ll look at two JPA extensions that provide their own auditing functionality, one provided by Hibernate, another by Spring Data

Here are the sample related entities, Bar and Foo, that we’ll use in this example: 2

,Auditing With JPA

Maybe you should have a look at Audit4j that provides auditing of business functionality and has several options for configuration. Another framewo...5

Right now I'm leaning towards using Spring AOP (using the "@AspectJ" style) to advise the business operations that are exposed to the web layer.2

I'm going to go a bit against the grain here and suggest that you look at a lower-tier solution. We have a similar architecture in our application,...2

Try an Aspect Oriented programming framework. From Wikipedia "Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that increases modularit...0

For all EJBs you can use EJB 3.0 Interceptors (This is something similar to Servlet filter) and another similar interceptor for Spring (not familia...0

I've just learned about a new Spring project called Spring Data JPA that offers an AOP-based auditing feature. It's not GA yet, but it bears keepin...0

Object–relational mapping tool

Hibernate ORM is an object–relational mapping tool for the Java programming language.It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database.Hibernate handles object–relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct

Persistent database accesses with high-level object handling functions.

Web framework in JavaScript

  1. Meteor
  2. Or MeteorJS
  3. Is a partly proprietary

Mostly free and open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework written using Node.js.Meteor allows for rapid prototyping and produces cross-platform code.The server-side MongoDB program is the only proprietary component of Meteor and is part of the Meteor download bundle.It is possible to use Meteor without using the server-side MongoDB.It uses

The Distributed Data Protocol and a publish–subscribe pattern to automatically propagate data changes to clients without requiring the developer to write any synchronization code.On the client

Meteor can be used with any popular front-end JS framework


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Auditor jargon
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