Auditing law firms

What is a financial audit?

Almost all organisations are familiar with financial audits – formal processes against defined accounting standards which are carried out by an external audit or accounting firm, reported on by them to the board, members and stakeholders of the organisation, and recorded in a formal set of report and accounts

What is a legal audit?

The aim of a legal audit will generally be to achieve a full health check of your legal position

Unlike a financial audit, there is no defined standard against which to audit

It is therefore for you to define the audit for your organisation in consultation with your chosen auditors

What is law firm accounting & financial management?

The Law Firm Accounting and Financial Management publication, authored by PwC, delivers explanations and illustrative exhibits on the latest management, tax planning and accounting strategies for law firms; new information reporting requirements; and special issues affecting multinational firms

Auditing law firms
Auditing law firms

The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has a history of conflict

  1. Where various armies
  2. Rebel groups

And outside actors have profited from mining while contributing to violence and exploitation during wars in the region.The four main end products of mining in the eastern DRC are tin

  1. Tungsten
  2. Tantalum
  3. And gold

Which are extracted and passed through a variety of intermediaries before being sold to international markets.These four products

Are essential in the manufacture of a variety of devices

Including :

Consumer electronics such as :

Organisation of independent law firms

A law firm network is a membership organization consisting of independent law firms.These networks are one type of professional services networks similar to networks found in the accounting profession.The common purpose is to expand the resources available to each member for providing services to their clients.Prominent primary law firm networks include

CICERO League of International Lawyers

First Law International

Alliott Group (multidisciplinary)

Lex Mundi

World Services Group (multidisciplinary)

  1. TerraLex
  2. Meritas
  3. Multilaw

The Network of Trial Law Firms

  1. Inc.
  2. The State Capital Group

And Pacific Rim Advisory Council.The largest networks have more than 10

000 attorneys located in hundreds of offices worldwide.


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Auditing management consulting and tax logo
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Auditing manual
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