Auditing payables

What is an accounts payable audit?

An accounts payable audit is an independent assessment of financial data from an organization’s accounts payable records

It examines how AP transactions are being recorded and if it represents an accurate view of your business operations

In many audits, the main focus is your accounts payable department

What is an example of completeness in accounts payable audit?

Example: tests of completeness in accounts payable audit include: Obtain accounts payable listing the client and perform casting and cross-casting to the general ledger to ensure their balances are matched

Select a sample of suppliers’ statements and reconcile them to the accounting records

Which assertion is most relevant in the accounts payable audit?

In the accounts payable audit, the completeness assertion is the most relevant assertion as the understatement of accounts payable is our major concern

This may be due to an intentional act of account manipulation or fraud tends to make accounts payable understated rather than overstated

Deposit account type in the US

A payable-through account (PTA) is a demand deposit account through which banking agencies located in the United States extend cheque writing privileges to the customers of other institutions


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