Auditing benchmarks

What are Gartner audit benchmarks?

Gartner audit benchmarks cover budget and head count, functional maturity and focus, stakeholder relationships and process-specific effectiveness

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Benchmark audit budget and processes with Gartner's suite of benchmarks and diagnostic tools

What is a 'typical' audit department?

It is clear from the responses we received that a ‘typical’ audit department is difficult to define

Every function operates differently, depending on the size of the team, organisation and budget, and they each have unique skills and resourcing challenges

Why should internal audit leaders use benchmarking?

It’s also a question that we believe is best answered with accurate benchmarking

Done correctly, benchmarking is a powerful tool that provides access to comprehensive comparative data, which enables internal audit leaders to better understand, manage and develop their departments

Auditing benchmarks
Auditing benchmarks

Comparing the relative performance of computers by running the same program on all of them

In computing

A benchmark is the act of running a computer program

  1. A set of programs
  2. Or other operations

In order to assess the relative performance of an object

Normally by running a number of standard tests and trials against it.


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