Auditor general ontario

What does the Auditor General do in New Brunswick?

The Office of the Auditor General: ,In accordance with the Auditor General Act, the Office of the Auditor General conducts the external audit of the accounts of the Province of New Brunswick, which includes ,the financial records of the Department

The Auditor General also conducts management reviews on programs as he or she sees fit

What is the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario?

The Office of the Auditor General of Ontario is an independent, non-partisan Office of the Legislative Assembly

We serve Members of Provincial Parliament and the people of Ontario

When was the Auditor General created?

The office was created in 1869

The Auditor General is appointed by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (formerly by the Governor in Council) for a 10-year term

Removal of the Auditor General requires approval by the legislature

The auditor's office was created in 1869

Who does the Auditor General report to?

With the passage of the 1978 Audit Act, the auditor general no longer submits his or her findings to the provincial cabinet, but to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (and thereby reports back to the legislature)

What does the Auditor General do?

We serve Members of Provincial Parliament and the people of Ontario

The Auditor General plays an important role in holding provincial public-sector and broader-public-sector organizations accountable for financial responsibility, well-managed programs and transparency in public reporting

What is the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario?

The Office of the Auditor General of Ontario is an independent, non-partisan Office of the Legislative Assembly

We serve Members of Provincial Parliament and the people of Ontario

What laws govern the Office of Auditor General?

Our Office is guided by the Auditor General Act

Our work includes assignments under the Auditor General Act, the Fiscal Sustainability, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2019, the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 and the Government Advertising Act, 2004

Auditor general ontario
Auditor general ontario

Canadian provincial election, 2007

The 2007 Ontario general election was held on October 10


To elect members (MPPs) of the 39th Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario

Canada.The Liberals under Premier Dalton McGuinty won the election with a majority government

Winning 71 out of a possible 107 seats with 42.2% of the popular vote.The election saw the third-lowest voter turnout in Ontario provincial elections

Setting a then record for the lowest voter turnout with 52.8% of people who were eligible voted.This broke the previous record of 54.7% in the 1923 election

But would end up being surpassed in the 2011 and 2022 elections.

Listing of candidates

The Freedom Party of Ontario is a political party in Ontario

\n\nBelow is a list of the premiers of the province of Ontario


Since Confederation in 1867.Ontario uses a unicameral Westminster-style parliamentary government

In which the premier is the leader of the party that controls the most seats in the Legislative Assembly.The premier is Ontario's head of government.The premier picks a cabinet from the elected members to form the Executive Council of Ontario

And presides over that body.

Program to control vehicle emissions since 1999

Ontario's Drive Clean is an automobile emissions control program introduced by the Government of Ontario and came into effect April 1999.The program was initially intended to weed out vehicles producing unrestrained amounts of particulate emissions contributing to smog and increasing pollution.It applies only to vehicles registered in southern parts of Ontario from Windsor to Ottawa due to the volume of vehicles in that part of the province.It is administered by privately owned facilities that have been accredited by Ontario's Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).

The Ontario government debt consists of the liabilities of the Government of Ontario.Approximately 82% of Ontario's debt is in the form of debt securities

While other liabilities include

Government employee pension plan obligations


And accounts payable.The external text>Ontario Financing Authority

Which manages the provinces' debt

  1. Says that as of March 31
  2. 2020

The Ontario government's net debt is CDN $353.3 billion.Net debt is projected to rise to $398 billion in 2020-21.The Debt-to-GDP ratio for 2019-2020 was 39.7%

And is projected to rise to 47.1% in 2020-21.Interest on the debt in 2019-20 was CDN$12.5 billion

Representing 8.0% of Ontario's revenue and its fourth-largest spending area.

OMVIC (Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council) regulates motor vehicle sales in Ontario.

OMVIC is a council that regulates motor vehicle sales

Administers and enforces the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) in Ontario.OMVIC's mandate is to maintain a fair and informed marketplace

By protecting the rights of consumers while enhancing the professionalism of the industry

  1. And ensuring fair
  2. Honest

And open competition for registered motor vehicle dealers.

Canadian provincial political scandal

The Ontario power plant scandal relates to the decisions by the Liberal government to cancel the construction of two natural gas power plants:

One in Mississauga and another in Oakville.Members of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) as well as the Ontario New Democratic Party (NDP) also voted to cancel the power plant.The Mississauga cancellation was made as a late campaign promise in the 2011 general election.From immediately following the election until March 18


The Liberal government stated that the cost of the cancellations was $230 million — $190 million for the Mississauga plant and $40 million for the Oakville plant.A final report by the Auditor General of Ontario that was released on October 8


Found the total cost of the cancellations was $950 million.This cost included estimates of future costs to the ratepayers.

ServiceOntario is part of the Ministry of Public and

ServiceOntario is part of the Ministry of Public and

The Government of Ontario organization that delivers government services such as licensing

ServiceOntario is part of the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery which provides a single point of contact for core provincial government services to individuals and businesses in the province of Ontario

Canada.Established in 2006 from the existing network of Driver and Vehicle License Issuing Offices

ServiceOntario provides services primarily online and in-person at storefront locations

And also operates telephone call centres.


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