Auditing pension funds

Are pension funds audited independently?


1 The present practice whereby pension funds are audited independently at different periods with the PFAs and PFCs, has led to incomplete and incomprehensive audit reports of the funds

This practice impinges on balanced regulatory judgment and is of concern to the Commission

What is a pension audit report?

The first is an independent audit report on the financial statements that a pension scheme’s accounts show a true and fair view, and meet all necessary accounting requirements

The second is an auditor’s statement about contributions, which certifies that payments were made in line with the pension’s schedule of contributions

When does a pension scheme audit need to take place?

When Does The Audit Need To Take Place? The audit report is addressed to the pension scheme’s trustees and has to be signed—along with the rest of the financial statements—within 7 months of the scheme year end

These don’t have to be filed anywhere, they just have to be available in case a member, or the regulator, requests a copy

Auditing pension funds
Auditing pension funds
In Greece, the Hellenic Court of Audit is The Supreme Audit Institution of the Hellenic Republic, auditing the use of public funds in Greece according to the principles of legality, regularity and sound financial management. \nSynedrio is also the Supreme Financial Court, one of the three Supreme Courts of Justice, grounded on the Constitution, provides for its jurisdictional, advisory and auditing competences.
Pension administration in the United States is the act of performing various types of yearly service on an organizational retirement plan, such as a 401(k), profit sharing plan, defined benefit plan, or cash balance plan.
Increasingly, employers are also implementing these plan types in combination arrangements for greater contribution potential, such as the pairing of a cash balance plan with some variety of 401(k).
The pension administration ensures that an organizational retirement plan neither discriminates against lower-level employees nor becomes an abusive tax shelter.
Stress tests include the average benefits test, average deferral percentage, and minimum coverage.
Yearly pension administration work involves filing a Form 5500 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Organizations such as the National Institute of Pension Administrators and the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries offer several professional designations to those who do this work.
Pension Administration firms often rely on financial brokers for their business prospects, although they do have other referral sources.
Some pension administration firms assign financial advisory work to an internal unit and also accept referrals from an independent broker network.
These brokers are often associated with firms like Raymond James, Edward Jones Investments and Morgan Stanley.
The brokers may be employees of these firms or independent contractors.
The plan assets of the organizational retirement plans in question sometimes reside on a trading platform that the administration firm control.
More often, large financial institutions that provide a variety of investment options for plan participants hold the assets.
Large firms include Principal Financial Group, John Hancock Insurance, ING Group and Mass Mutual.
Pension administrators often coordinate with public accounting firms, as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires plans with more than one hundred participants to undergo an independent audit each year.
For defined benefit plans, the pension administration firm must employ an actuary to certify the plan's present and future benefit liabilities and compliance with IRS minimum funding standards.
Pension administration firms with a large block of defined benefit plans often directly employ an actuary.
Firms that only work on a small collection of defined benefit plans tend to retain the actuary as an independent contractor.
The actuary completes contribution calculations for the plan and provides a Schedule SB so that the administrators may file the yearly Form 5500.
Without this Schedule the yearly filing for a defined benefit plan would be incomplete.
Other than the IRS, organizational retirement plan operation and maintenance falls under the regulation of the United States Department of Labor.
In Greece

In Greece

In Greece, the Hellenic Court of Audit is The Supreme Audit Institution of the Hellenic Republic, auditing the use of public funds in Greece according to the principles of legality, regularity and sound financial management. \nSynedrio is also the Supreme Financial Court, one of the three Supreme Courts of Justice, grounded on the Constitution, provides for its jurisdictional, advisory and auditing competences.
Pension administration in the United States is the act of performing various types of yearly service on an organizational retirement plan, such as a 401(k), profit sharing plan, defined benefit plan, or cash balance plan.
Increasingly, employers are also implementing these plan types in combination arrangements for greater contribution potential, such as the pairing of a cash balance plan with some variety of 401(k).
The pension administration ensures that an organizational retirement plan neither discriminates against lower-level employees nor becomes an abusive tax shelter.
Stress tests include the average benefits test, average deferral percentage, and minimum coverage.
Yearly pension administration work involves filing a Form 5500 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Organizations such as the National Institute of Pension Administrators and the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries offer several professional designations to those who do this work.
Pension Administration firms often rely on financial brokers for their business prospects, although they do have other referral sources.
Some pension administration firms assign financial advisory work to an internal unit and also accept referrals from an independent broker network.
These brokers are often associated with firms like Raymond James, Edward Jones Investments and Morgan Stanley.
The brokers may be employees of these firms or independent contractors.
The plan assets of the organizational retirement plans in question sometimes reside on a trading platform that the administration firm control.
More often, large financial institutions that provide a variety of investment options for plan participants hold the assets.
Large firms include Principal Financial Group, John Hancock Insurance, ING Group and Mass Mutual.
Pension administrators often coordinate with public accounting firms, as the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires plans with more than one hundred participants to undergo an independent audit each year.
For defined benefit plans, the pension administration firm must employ an actuary to certify the plan's present and future benefit liabilities and compliance with IRS minimum funding standards.
Pension administration firms with a large block of defined benefit plans often directly employ an actuary.
Firms that only work on a small collection of defined benefit plans tend to retain the actuary as an independent contractor.
The actuary completes contribution calculations for the plan and provides a Schedule SB so that the administrators may file the yearly Form 5500.
Without this Schedule the yearly filing for a defined benefit plan would be incomplete.
Other than the IRS, organizational retirement plan operation and maintenance falls under the regulation of the United States Department of Labor.


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