Audit vs qi

What is a quality audit?

‘Audit is a quality improvement cycle that involves measurement of the effectiveness of healthcare against agreed and proven standards for high quality, and taking action to bring practice in line with these standards so as to improve the quality of care and health outcomes


What is the difference between audit and Qi?

Figure 9

1, A Visual Depiction of the Difference Between Audit, QI and Research

Research helps us define what is possible

Audit tells us how we are currently performing

QI is the process of moving from how we are performing towards what is possible (and beyond, as demonstrated in many projects)

What is the difference between research and Qi?

Research helps us define what is possible

Audit tells us how we are currently performing

QI is the process of moving from how we are performing towards what is possible (and beyond, as demonstrated in many projects)

In TIPSQI our argument is that audit is often mistakenly used as a method for improvement

×Audit and QI projects are similar in that they both drill down into standards in healthcare and improve them. However, audits measure against more formal standards and take place over longer periods of time, whereas QI uses PDSA cycles which are much swifter. Research helps define what is possible, audit tells us how we are currently performing, and QI is the process of moving from how we are performing towards what is possible.,Audits compare current practices in your workplace against a recognised ‘standard’. These standards could be issued by any offici…


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