Auditing goes digital ppt

How do you promote digital auditing in an organisation?

Promoting the change towards digital audit in an organisation requires more than a commitment by management

It is just as important to engage auditors, show them what is possible and provide them with the skills to make the switch to digital auditing

What Digital Trends impact the audit?

In this article the three main digital trends that impact the audit and how they impact the audit will be discussed: data analytics, robotics and artifi cial intelligence, and blockchain

Data analytics can be split into large transactional data and big data analytics

What is a digital audit?

Today’s reality is also digital

Automation and analytics The first major component of what we can call digital audit is theautomation of data collection and data preparation

This may include automation of the audit documentation processby establishing a single process for all information exchanges between auditor and auditee

Auditing goes digital ppt
Auditing goes digital ppt

American geosynchronous environmental satellite



American geosynchronous environmental satellite



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