Auditing police uk

Who is auditing Britain?

Human rights activist and YouTuber Auditing Britain, who was stopped and searched by officers after filming Redditch Police Station, said he received the payout from West Mercia Police in an out-of-court settlement

Known as AB, he revealed the details in his latest video, called 'Redditch Redemption'

Who is responsible for policing in the UK?

It is a healthy part of a mature democracy

Parliament has established additional lines of accountability

Locally, that is primarily in the hands of the police and crime commissioner or, in some areas, the mayor

Overall responsibility for police policy and much else is in the hands of the Home Secretary

Auditing police uk
Auditing police uk

Elected official responsible for the effective policing of a police area in England or Wales

A police and crime commissioner is an elected official in England and Wales responsible for generally overseeing police forces.
A police, fire and crime commissioner (PFCC) is an elected official in England responsible for generally overseeing both police forces and fire services.
Commissioners replaced now-abolished police authorities.
The first incumbents were elected on 15 November 2012.
A police authority in the United Kingdom is a public authority that is responsible for overseeing the operations of a police force.
The nature and composition of police authorities has varied over time, and there are now just four dedicated police authorities in the United Kingdom, although the term can refer to various similar successor bodies.
A police and crime commissioner is an elected official

A police and crime commissioner is an elected official

Elected official responsible for the effective policing of a police area in England or Wales

A police and crime commissioner is an elected official in England and Wales responsible for generally overseeing police forces.
A police, fire and crime commissioner (PFCC) is an elected official in England responsible for generally overseeing both police forces and fire services.
Commissioners replaced now-abolished police authorities.
The first incumbents were elected on 15 November 2012.
A police authority in the United Kingdom is a public authority that is responsible for overseeing the operations of a police force.
The nature and composition of police authorities has varied over time, and there are now just four dedicated police authorities in the United Kingdom, although the term can refer to various similar successor bodies.


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