Auditing workday

Does workday provide a complete audit trail?

Workday provides a complete audit trail for every change made within the business services provided

When data is updated in Workday, Workday records the changes in the Workday Database

Only users within the Auditor security group have access to this data

What does the audit information contain?

What are the benefits of workday for auditors?

Auditors are empowered to answer all first-order questions themselves

Workday can be accessed from anywhere, so audit testing can be executed remotely, reducing or eliminating auditor onsite time that may incur travel expenses

CrossVue can enable Workday audit security roles for auditors and others in the organization

Who is a workday certified auditor Advisory Council (AAC)?

PwC has a dedicated team of Workday-certified professionals focused on security, risk and controls

In addition, some of our leaders sit on Workday’s Auditor Advisory Council (AAC) to provide feedback and counsel on the application’s controls functionality, roadmap and audit training requirements


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