Biography writing ks2 ppt

How can I help my students write a biography?

Support your students in preparing to write a biography with the help of this informative PowerPoint presentation all about Biography Writing

This resource defines and explains biography writing with simple-to-understand language, perfect for your students to comprehend and interpret

How to present a biography in PowerPoint?

You can present a biography by selecting the desired slide or using all three slides

The biography PowerPoint is designed for speakers to present their bio that sells

These slides are a combination of photos, shapes, and clipart to make the biography engaging for the audience

The PowerPoint templates of biography are designed to profile clients

What lessons are included in a KS2 biography?

The lessons include shared writing, skills lesson, SPaG games and starters and planning time

The final layout of the biography is themed around the amazing book ‘Fantastically Great Women WHo Changed The World’

This was taught to a Year 4 class but the skills and also be adjusted to suit any KS2 year group


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