Biography writing questions

What questions should you ask when writing a bio?

Gathering the right information up front, in a 15-20 minute interview, is key

Here are my favorite questions to ask when writing a bio

Note: these don’t include the usual slew, like general career experience and education


Who is someone you admire, and why? 2

Tell me three pet peeves

Why should a student write a biography?

Remember that writing a biography is not only a great way to develop a student’s writing skills; it can be used in almost all curriculum areas

For example, to find out more about a historical figure in History, to investigate scientific contributions to Science, or to celebrate a hero from everyday life

Biography writing questions
Biography writing questions

2010 book by Sarah Bakewell

How to Live, or a life of Montaigne in one question and twenty attempts at an answer is a book by Sarah Bakewell, first published by Chatto & Windus in 2010, and by Other Press on September 20, 2011.
It is about the life of the 16th-century French nobleman, wine grower, philosopher, and essayist Michel Eyquem de Montaigne.
In it, Bakewell roughly maps out Montaigne's life against the questions he raises along the way, drawing the answers to these questions from his Essays.
How to Live

How to Live

2010 book by Sarah Bakewell

How to Live, or a life of Montaigne in one question and twenty attempts at an answer is a book by Sarah Bakewell, first published by Chatto & Windus in 2010, and by Other Press on September 20, 2011.
It is about the life of the 16th-century French nobleman, wine grower, philosopher, and essayist Michel Eyquem de Montaigne.
In it, Bakewell roughly maps out Montaigne's life against the questions he raises along the way, drawing the answers to these questions from his Essays.


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