Book writing using ai

Can AI help you write a book?

That book that has been gnawing at your brain for years has made it out into the real world, all with the help of Jasper AI

You are now officially a pioneer in a new field of writing! You have used artificial intelligence (book writing software) to accelerate the writing process in ways never before thought possible

How long does it take to write an AI Lore book?

The "AI Lore books," as I've come to call them, are a testament to the potential of AI in augmenting human creativity

Each book features between 2,000 to 5,000 words and 40 to140 AI-generated images

Generally, each one takes me approximately 6 to 8 hours to create and publish

Who is the AI author?

Since then, thousands of people have been using Jasper to smash through writer’s block and accelerate their journey to publication

I’ve teamed up with my publishing partner Zachariah Stratford, who has helped publish over 100,000 titles, to form our company The AI Author

Want to write a book? Struggle with writer's block? Curse of the Blinking Cursor or just don't know where to start? You came to th…


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