Example of a well written autobiography

What are the best autobiographies?

“Autobiography is a wound where the blood of history does not dry

” And this is right

The life lessons from these autobiographies can always inspire us to think and live differently

Here’re some of the best autobiographies for your perusal


The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin

Those Who Soak Up Your Time Like A Sponge.

These may be family members or friends who seize your time like bank robbers! Yes, you have heard it all before. They repeat the same old refrain a...

Those Who Criticize You Far Too often.

Nothing wrong with a bit of honest and fair feedback. But when you find that certain people are engaging in constant criticism, it may be time to t...

Those Who Play The Victim All The time.

These are the experts at the blame game. They never take ownership of their own shortcomings or mistakes. They are the victim and it is never their...

Those Who Have A Negative Mindset.

These people spread negativity like a contagious disease. Try to get vaccinated by avoiding them at all costs. These people get into a negative dow...

Those Who Lose Their Temper and Zap Your Energy.

These are the ones who really drain your energy. Why do you have to absorb their silly and sometimes childish outbursts? We all have difficult mome...

Those Who Show No Compassion Or Empathy.

You do not want these in your inner circle either for the simple reason that they are not capable of lending a sympathetic ear or understanding you...

Those Who Are Dishonest and Lie to you.

Some friends will swear secrecy when you tell them something confidential. When you find this information is now common knowledge, you may well be...

Those Who Are Manipulative and Will Exploit you.

There are some friends who just want to use you to get an introduction to an important person you know, a job interview or even a date. They use go...

Those Who Are Deliberately hurtful.

These people have a range of tactics and remarks which can be very hurtful. It might be your parents criticizing how you are bringing up your child...

Those Who Are Stressed out.

Did you know that humans are programmed to think negatively and they are always worried about safety, health and survival? Anthropologically, this...

Example of a well written autobiography
Example of a well written autobiography

1988 memoir by Assata Shakur

Assata: An Autobiography is a 1988 autobiographical book by Assata Shakur.
The book was written in Cuba where Shakur currently has political asylum.
Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark

Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark

1796 travel narrative by Mary Wollstonecraft

\nLetters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796) is a personal travel narrative by the eighteenth-century British feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft.
The twenty-five letters cover a wide range of topics, from sociological reflections on Scandinavia and its peoples to philosophical questions regarding identity.
Published by Wollstonecraft's career-long publisher, Joseph Johnson, it was the last work issued during her lifetime.
Assata: An Autobiography

Assata: An Autobiography

1988 memoir by Assata Shakur

Assata: An Autobiography is a 1988 autobiographical book by Assata Shakur.
The book was written in Cuba where Shakur currently has political asylum.
Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark

Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark

1796 travel narrative by Mary Wollstonecraft

\nLetters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796) is a personal travel narrative by the eighteenth-century British feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft.
The twenty-five letters cover a wide range of topics, from sociological reflections on Scandinavia and its peoples to philosophical questions regarding identity.
Published by Wollstonecraft's career-long publisher, Joseph Johnson, it was the last work issued during her lifetime.


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