Can you write an autobiography if you're not famous

Are celebrity autobiographies a bestseller?

You may or may not have noticed the slew of celebrity autobiographies filling the shelves at your local bookstore

People have loved digging up fun facts about other people since the dawn of time, and in our celebrity-obsessed culture, it’s impossible for someone famous to write an autobiography and not have it be a bestseller

Do you need permission to include a story in your autobiography?

You have to ask permission to include stories about other people

Do not use your book as a platform to insult anyone else

You might not even mean for it to be embarrassing, but you still need to ask permission of those you want to include

Just because it shaped your life, does not mean they want it mentioned in your autobiography

With that said, if you’d love to write your own book about your own story from birth to present, you don’t have to be famous. You can be an everyday, average ol’ Joe or Jane with a drive to detail your life’s experiences.You don't have to be famous to write an autobiography! People in the future will be very interested in the life you are leading right now.


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