Book writing career

Is writing a realistic career option?

If you grew up with a love of reading and writing, you might have had a well-meaning adult in your life tell you that writing isn’t a realistic career option, requiring heaps of talent, luck, and the ability to live on next to nothing

Should you start a writing career with a book?

Beginning your writing career with a book is like enrolling in graduate school when you should be in kindergarten

You have a lot to learn first

You may dreamt of this for years, putting it off because you’re not sure you’re good enough

Would you believe I didn’t become a full-time writer until after my 90th book was published?

Book writing career
Book writing career

1968 book by David McCullough

The Johnstown Flood: The Incredible Story Behind One of the Most Devastating Disasters America Has Ever Known is a 1968 book written by popular historian David McCullough about the Great Flood of 1889 which devastated the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
His first book, McCullough spent time speaking with individuals who lived through the flood on top of his other research in preparation for writing.
Upon its publication The Johnstown Flood rekindled national interest in the flood and was the catalyst to McCullough's accomplished career.
Following the success of his book, McCullough decided to devote his time entirely towards writing.
The Johnstown Flood: The Incredible Story Behind One of the Most Devastating

The Johnstown Flood: The Incredible Story Behind One of the Most Devastating

1968 book by David McCullough

The Johnstown Flood: The Incredible Story Behind One of the Most Devastating Disasters America Has Ever Known is a 1968 book written by popular historian David McCullough about the Great Flood of 1889 which devastated the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
His first book, McCullough spent time speaking with individuals who lived through the flood on top of his other research in preparation for writing.
Upon its publication The Johnstown Flood rekindled national interest in the flood and was the catalyst to McCullough's accomplished career.
Following the success of his book, McCullough decided to devote his time entirely towards writing.


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