Memoir writing language

How is a memoir different from an autobiography?

A memoir is different from an autobiography in that it is not a book-length recollection of your entire life

When writing about moments from your own life, sometimes the simplest way is to start at the beginning and sequentially work through the order of events from first to last

What makes a memoir A slow read?

A memoir that lacks an author’s effort to extract meaning from their story is usually a slow read

A reader may find themselves wondering what’s the point? If there’s nothing in the story for the reader, the memoir is lacking reflection and takeaway, which are two key elements that are unique to memoir

Include More Than Just Your Story

I know I just instructed you to narrow down your focus, but we need to think bigger in our writing pursuits.For example, if Hillary Clinton wrote a...

Put Your Readers in Your Shoes

Powerful writers show, not tell. And for a memoir writer, this is essential to your success, because you must invite your reader into your perspect...

Employ Elements of Fiction to Bring Your Story to Life

I like to think of the people in memoirs as characters. A great memoir pulls you into their lives: what they struggle with, what they are successfu...

Create An Emotional Journey

Don’t aim to knock your readers’ socks off. Knock off their pants, shirt, shoes and underwear too! Leave your readers with their mouths open in awe...


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Autobiographical narrative writing
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Memoir narrative writing
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