Automotive engineering grade 3

What is automotive engineering?

Automotive engineering, along with aerospace engineering and naval architecture, is a branch of vehicle engineering, incorporating elements of mechanical, electrical, electronic, software, and safety engineering as applied to the design, manufacture and operation of motorcycles, automobiles, and trucks and their respective engineering subsystems

Several scenarios in daily life can be first caught into consideration. Mobile phone will automatically shut down due to low t…
Automotive engineering grade 3
Automotive engineering grade 3

The process of recycling used engine and motor oils

Automotive oil recycling involves the recycling of used oils and the creation of new products from the recycled oils, and includes the recycling of motor oil and hydraulic oil.
Oil recycling also benefits the environment: increased opportunities for consumers to recycle oil lessens the likelihood of used oil being dumped on lands and in waterways.
For example, one gallon of motor oil dumped into waterways has the potential to pollute one million gallons of water.
Automotive oil recycling involves the recycling of used oils and the

Automotive oil recycling involves the recycling of used oils and the

The process of recycling used engine and motor oils

Automotive oil recycling involves the recycling of used oils and the creation of new products from the recycled oils, and includes the recycling of motor oil and hydraulic oil.
Oil recycling also benefits the environment: increased opportunities for consumers to recycle oil lessens the likelihood of used oil being dumped on lands and in waterways.
For example, one gallon of motor oil dumped into waterways has the potential to pollute one million gallons of water.


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