Automotive engineering level 4

What is the NZ certificate in light automotive engineering?

The NZ Certificate in Light Automotive Engineering [Level 4] is a nationally recognised qualification with 14 courses (200 credits)

Night school and block courses are delivered in EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti as part of the programme

These are designed for the apprentice to complete work that they cannot fulfill at their place of employment eg

What qualifications do you need to be an automotive engineer in New Zealand?

This qualification follows on from the New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3) [Ref: 3097], and may lead to the New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering (Level 5) [Ref: 3119] or the New Zealand … Certificate in Electric Vehicle Automotive Engineering (Level 5) [Ref: 3915]

Why should you take a Level 4 automotive engineer course?

Then take the next step to turn your dream career into reality

This Level 4 course teaches you the skills and knowledge you need to become fully qualified as an automotive engineer

Technology may be changing but skilled automotive engineers who are tech-savvy and know their way around a vehicle, will continue to be in demand


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