Automotive engineering sic code

How do I find a company's SIC code?

SIC Codes are industry classification codes based on a company’s primary line of business

For SIC code lookup by company name and to find a company's SIC Code you can use our search function on top of every page and search for a business

Alternatively a search for that company's main competitors may help, if the company itself is not listed

What are extended SIC codes?

Private companies created 6, 7, and 8-digit SIC codes systems (known as Extended SIC Codes), which account for more specific sub-industries, as well as new and emerging industries

The Extended SIC Codes, with over 10,000 individual code classifications that are being continually updated, offer more specific targeting options than NAICS Codes

What is the SIC code for auto industry?


SIC Code: 64929 | Description: Other credit granting (not including credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors and activities of mortgage finance companies) n

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SIC Code: 28990 | Description: Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n

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