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What is aviation ordnance?

An aviation ordnancman primarily deals with the ordnance carried by any sort of military aircraft; hence the name aviation ordnance

Simple, right? Well, not exactly

While you would be correct in thinking that aviation ordnance just deals with ordnance carried by military aircraft, it becomes much more complex the deeper you go

What is the NOS code for Aviation Ordnancemen?

Aviation ordnancemen (AOs) have some of the more high-risk responsibilities in the armed forces

In the Navy, they handle and service weapons and ammunition carried on Navy aircraft

The Navy Occupational Specialty (NOS) code for this position is A420

Dangerous Duties of Aviation Ordnancemen

When was the Aviation Ordnancemen Association founded?

The Association was founded in 1976

The first annual convention was held in July of that year in San Diego, CA

During this first convention the decision was made to formally establish the Association of Aviation Ordnancemen with membership open to all Navy and Marine Corps AOs, past, present and future

Aviation ordnance logo
Aviation ordnance logo
The Naval Aviation Ordnance Test Station (NAOTS) was a United States Navy base located at geo-inline>plainlinks nourlexpansion>external text>geo-default>geo-dms>latitude>37°55′N longitude>75°22′W, near Chincoteague, VA, that was used as a suborbital launch site.
In 1955, research rockets of the Rockair type were launched from F2H-2 planes based there.
An altitude of 54,864 m was reached with a 70mm (2.75-in.) folded-fin aerial rocket (FFAR) of Korean vintage.
In spite of successful tests, the rockair concept never achieved the popularity of the rockoon.
Apparently no important scientific rocket research was carried out with rockaires, in contrast to the hundreds of rockoons fired during the 1950s.
The Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center was formerly known

The Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center was formerly known

U.S. Navy facility for development of naval aviation training and tactics

The Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center was formerly known as the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center at Naval Air Station Fallon located in the city of Fallon in western Nevada.
It is the center of excellence for naval aviation training and tactics development.
NAWDC provides service to aircrews, squadrons and air wings throughout the United States Navy through flight training, academic instructional classes, and direct operational and intelligence support.
The name was changed from NSAWC to NAWDC in June 2015 to align with the naming convention of the Navy's other Warfighting Development Centers (including Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center, Naval Information Warfighting Development Center, and the Undersea Warfighting Development Center.
The Naval Aviation Ordnance Test Station (NAOTS) was a

The Naval Aviation Ordnance Test Station (NAOTS) was a

The Naval Aviation Ordnance Test Station (NAOTS) was a United States Navy base located at geo-inline>plainlinks nourlexpansion>external text>geo-default>geo-dms>latitude>37°55′N longitude>75°22′W, near Chincoteague, VA, that was used as a suborbital launch site.
In 1955, research rockets of the Rockair type were launched from F2H-2 planes based there.
An altitude of 54,864 m was reached with a 70mm (2.75-in.) folded-fin aerial rocket (FFAR) of Korean vintage.
In spite of successful tests, the rockair concept never achieved the popularity of the rockoon.
Apparently no important scientific rocket research was carried out with rockaires, in contrast to the hundreds of rockoons fired during the 1950s.
The Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center was formerly known as the

The Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center was formerly known as the

U.S. Navy facility for development of naval aviation training and tactics

The Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center was formerly known as the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center at Naval Air Station Fallon located in the city of Fallon in western Nevada.
It is the center of excellence for naval aviation training and tactics development.
NAWDC provides service to aircrews, squadrons and air wings throughout the United States Navy through flight training, academic instructional classes, and direct operational and intelligence support.
The name was changed from NSAWC to NAWDC in June 2015 to align with the naming convention of the Navy's other Warfighting Development Centers (including Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center, Naval Information Warfighting Development Center, and the Undersea Warfighting Development Center.


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