Complacency aviation examples

What is complacency & why is it a problem?

Complacency can be described as a feeling of self-satisfaction accompanied by a loss of awareness of potential dangers

Such a feeling often arises when conducting routine activities that have become habitual and which may be “considered”, by an individual (sometimes by the whole organisation), as easy and safe

What is complacency in aviation safety?

Use of the term complacency in aviation safety is sometimes disputed

Definition A state of self-satisfaction with one's own performance coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy

Description Critics of the use of the term “complacency” often refer to the lack of its precise definition

What is complacency in folk modeling?

The use and definition of complacency is referred to in Folk Modelling

Folk models share the following characteristics: Folk models substitute one big term for another instead of defining the big term by breaking it down into more little ones (we call this decomposition, or deconstruction)


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