Aviation high school requirements

Do you need a high school diploma to become a pilot?

At minimum, most employers require pilots to have a high school diploma or the equivalent

However, you can boost your odds of landing a job in this field by focusing on your math classes in high school

After all, airline pilots have to be able to calculate distances and measurements on the fly

Is there an admission test for Aviation High School?

There is no admission test for Aviation High School

I am interested in becoming a pilot, is Aviation High School a right fit for me? Here at Aviation High School, students study aircraft maintenance, in addition to being prepared for college

This means that all of our students learn how planes fly and learn how to fix planes

×The requirements for a school of aviation vary depending on the program. Generally, students must be at least 16 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Some programs require specific grades in subjects like math, science, and geography. Flight assessment lessons may also be required. Some programs may require additional documents like photocopies of academic papers and identification. Some airlines may require a bachelor's or associate degree from a qualified aviation program. Other programs may accept a minimum of O'level results or higher qualifications like OND, HND, or B.Sc.. Transfer requirements may also apply for some programs.,The job of pilot probably seems pretty straightforward; pilots are the people who fly planes, right? In fact, a pilot’s duties are varie…


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