Aviation what does heavy mean

What does 'heavy' mean in air traffic control?

If you've ever taken the time to listen to airline radio chatter, particularly to air traffic control, you might have heard certain radio transmissions using the term "heavy

" This terminology has a fairly literal meaning, as it pertains directly to the aircraft's maximum takeoff weight

What does heavy aircraft mean?

What Does “Heavy” Mean? Aircraft are classified based on their maximum takeoff weights (MTOW)

A “heavy” aircraft is one whose takeoff weight is more than 300,000 pounds, or 136 tonnes

This designation is critical enough that the FAA requires all such aircraft to announce the fact with their call sign

Why do pilots say heavy?

To non-pilots, it can often seem like pilots have their own language and speak in code

One such instance is when pilots use the word “heavy”

But why do pilots say “heavy” and what does it mean? Pilots say “heavy” when they are referring to an aircraft with a Maximum Takeoff Weight of 136 tonnes (300,000 lbs) or more

If an airplane has a maximum takeoff weight of 300,000 pounds or more, it’s classified as a heavy airplane.Beyond this, the FAA defines heavy aircraft as those with a maximum takeoff weight of 300,000 pounds or more.
Aviation what does heavy mean
Aviation what does heavy mean

Civil aviation crisis

Between 2006 and 2007, Brazil's civil aviation sector suffered a crisis characterized by significant flight delays and cancellations, air traffic controller strikes and safety concerns about the country's airport and air traffic infrastructure.
It ostensibly started after the crash of Gol Flight 1907 in September 2006, and extended to January 2008.
While the government has announced a series of measures aimed at mitigating its effects, no clear solution has been found.
In Brazil the crisis has been dubbed Apagão Aéreo, an allusion to an energy crisis which Brazil experienced between 2001 and 2002.
Between 2006 and 2007

Between 2006 and 2007

Civil aviation crisis

Between 2006 and 2007, Brazil's civil aviation sector suffered a crisis characterized by significant flight delays and cancellations, air traffic controller strikes and safety concerns about the country's airport and air traffic infrastructure.
It ostensibly started after the crash of Gol Flight 1907 in September 2006, and extended to January 2008.
While the government has announced a series of measures aimed at mitigating its effects, no clear solution has been found.
In Brazil the crisis has been dubbed Apagão Aéreo, an allusion to an energy crisis which Brazil experienced between 2001 and 2002.


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