Aviation insider review

Can aviation insiders skirt safety procedures?

The on-duty pilots who were operating the plane carrying 80 passengers and four crew members were able to subdue Emerson in the cockpit before he was able to send the plane into free fall, but the bizarre incident lays bare the ways in which aviation insiders are able to skirt the industry's stringent safety procedures, experts said

Do aviation insiders have access to airports?

Many aviation insiders potentially also have access to the most critical and sensitive parts of an airport

They are already in a position of trust and might hold an access badge to an airport’s airside, for example

What are the dangers of aviation insiders?

The danger presented by an aviation insider is that they already understand the external security of airports and aviation assets and will be able to exploit their knowledge of these security measures

Many aviation insiders potentially also have access to the most critical and sensitive parts of an airport

The motives of an insider can be varied and can include gaining financial advantage through low-level or organised crime activi


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