Aviation science major

Does SFA offer a degree in aviation science?

SFA is making history by offering the new Bachelor of Science degree in aviation sciences

This degree allows you to earn a college degree and several aircraft pilot certifications upon graduation

SFA has partnered with HCH Aviation in Nacogdoches to offer the flying portion of our degree

What can I do with a BS in aviation science?

The B S in Aviation Science: Aviation Management may also be completed with a concentration in Aviation Maintenance

The Aviation Maintenance concentration is designed for aircraft maintainers and builds leadership and maintenance management skills to expand opportunities for career progression

The pilot shortage for the airlines is critical

×An aviation major is a program that focuses on the study of aviation and the aviation industry, including various aspects of air transportation systems. It may include subjects like flight training, meteorology, aircraft maintenance, aerodynamics, aviation law, and safety. It also covers different careers in aviation, such as pilot, engineer, mechanic, airport operations, and aircraft manufacturing. An aviation degree aims to produce skilled, certified, and ethical professionals who can contribute to the field of aviation and society.

Action figure created by Mattel

Major Matt Mason was an action figure created by Mattel.
He was an astronaut who lived and worked on the Moon.
When introduced in 1966, the figures were initially based on design information found in Life Magazine, Air Force Magazine, Jane's, and other aviation- and space-interest periodicals.
Later, the line attempted to transition into the realm of science fiction.

Action figure created by Mattel

Major Matt Mason was an action figure created by Mattel.
He was an astronaut who lived and worked on the Moon.
When introduced in 1966, the figures were initially based on design information found in Life Magazine, Air Force Magazine, Jane's, and other aviation- and space-interest periodicals.
Later, the line attempted to transition into the realm of science fiction.


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