Electric aviation ppt

What is electrified aviation?

Electrified aviation covers a wide range of aircraft types and varies in the extent of and approach to electrification

Classes of electrification include what we call here more electric, hybrid electric, and fully electric

What is the future of electric aircraft?

To meet the emission reduction goals set through the NASA N + 3 program and the ACARE flightpath 2050 strategy, several futuristic electric aircraft concepts have been proposed by industry leaders such as Boeing and Airbus, academia, governmental bodies, and start-up companies

What technology is required to make Electric Aviation feasible?

In Section 3, a comparative analysis of electric propulsion and conventional aircraft is carried out to identify the main technological areas required to make electric aviation feasible

This is identified as battery technology, electric-motor technology, and airframe design

In chronological order, spacecraft are listed equipped with electric space propulsion.
This includes both cruise engines and/or thrusters for attitude and orbit control.
It is not specified whether the given engine is the sole means of propulsion or whether other types of engine are also used on a spacecraft.
The list does not claim to be comprehensive.
In chronological order, spacecraft are listed equipped with electric space propulsion.
This includes both cruise engines and/or thrusters for attitude and orbit control.
It is not specified whether the given engine is the sole means of propulsion or whether other types of engine are also used on a spacecraft.
The list does not claim to be comprehensive.


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