Aviation sic code

  • How is SIC code determined?

    Every company has a primary SIC code that indicates its main line of business.
    The first two digits of the SIC code identify the major industry group, the third digit identifies the industry group, and the fourth digit identifies the specific industry..

  • What is the SIC Code 3721?

    Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or assembling complete aircraft.
    This industry also includes establishments owned by aircraft manufacturers and primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis..

  • What is the SIC code for airport operators?

    SIC Industry: 4581 Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminal Services NAICS Association..

  • What is the SIC code for Aviation & Aerospace?

    SIC Industry: 3721 Aircraft NAICS Association..

  • What is the SIC Code for aviation and aerospace?

    SIC Industry: 3721 Aircraft NAICS Association..

  • What is the SIC code for aviation?

    US SIC Code 4581 - Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminal Services..

  • What is the SIC Code for flying?

    US SIC Code 4581 - Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminal Services..

  • Where can I find my SIC Code?

    The sources below are places to search for your company's SIC codes.

    Department of Labor's OSHA Website. NAICS & SIC Identification Tools of the NAICS Association. Barchart.com..

  • Why do I need a SIC code?

    Companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential customers by industry.
    SIC codes can be used to classify companies for tax purposes.
    Banks and creditors use SIC codes to identify the industry a company belongs to when considered extending credit..

  • SIC Code 8249 - Flight Training.
  • SIC Industry: 3721 Aircraft NAICS Association.
  • SIC Industry: 4581 Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminal Services NAICS Association.
  • US SIC Code 9661 - Space and Research and Technology.
Publicly Traded Aircraft Companies - SIC Code 3721.
SIC for "aviation"4512 - Air Transportation, Scheduled7997 - Membership Sports and Recreation Clubs4581 - Airports, Flying Fields, and Airport Terminal 
SIC Industry: 3721 Aircraft | NAICS Association.

What is air traffic control industry 9621?

This industry also includes ,private establishments primarily engaged in air traffic control operations

Government air traffic control operations are classified in Public Administration, Industry 9621

What is an aircraft industry?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing or assembling complete aircraft

This industry also includes ,establishments owned by aircraft manufacturers and primarily engaged in research and development on aircraft, whether from enterprise funds or on a contract or fee basis

What is the classification of air traffic control?

Government air traffic control operations are classified in Public Administration, Industry 9621

Aircraft modification centers and establishments primarily engaged in factory type overhaul of aircraft are classified in Manufacturing, Major Group 37, and flying fields maintained by aviation clubs are classified in Services, Industry 7997

In air traffic control, the system area code (SAC) is part of a unique identifier assigned to each system which uses the ASTERIX format.
The Eurocontrol SuRveillance Data Exchange Task Force (RDE-TF) maintains these identifiers internationally and assigns them to regions such as countries, though sometimes more than one code is assigned within the same country, for example to distinguish between civilian and military uses.
Aeronautical Law Code was a legal code that codified the rules about aeronautical law matters in Uruguay.
It was promulgated on 3 December 1942 and came into force on 3 March 1943.
It was repealed by the 1974 Aeronautical Code, which superseded it and updated Uruguayan laws on aviation.
In air traffic control, the system area code (SAC) is part of a unique identifier assigned to each system which uses the ASTERIX format.
The Eurocontrol SuRveillance Data Exchange Task Force (RDE-TF) maintains these identifiers internationally and assigns them to regions such as countries, though sometimes more than one code is assigned within the same country, for example to distinguish between civilian and military uses.
Aeronautical Law Code was a legal code that codified the rules about aeronautical law matters in Uruguay.
It was promulgated on 3 December 1942 and came into force on 3 March 1943.
It was repealed by the 1974 Aeronautical Code, which superseded it and updated Uruguayan laws on aviation.


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