Banking act chapter 24 20

  • (.
    1) At the expiration of each calendar year 1[or at the expiration of a period of twelve months ending with such date2 as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf,] every banking company incorporated 3[in India], in respect of all business transacted by it, and every
  • What does Section 17 of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 deal with?

    1) Every banking company incorporated in India shall create a reserve fund and 99 [***] shall, out of the balance of profit of each year as disclosed in the profit and loss account prepared under section 29 and before any dividend is declared, transfer to the reserve fund a sum equivalent to not less than twenty per .

  • What does the Banking Regulation Act 1949 provide?

    Banking Regulation Act, 1949 is an Act that provides a framework for regulating the banks of India.
    The Act came into force on 16th March 1949.
    This Act gives RBI the power to control the behaviour of banks.
    This Act was passed as Banking Companies Act, 1949..

  • What is Section 20 of the BR Act?

    Sec 20 – Restriction on loans against its own shares and to Directors and their relatives. 20 (b) - A coop bank cannot sanction unsecured advances to the Directors and to firms in which the Director is interested acting as partner or MD or guarantors or to individuals where the Director is the guarantor..

  • What is Section 23 of the banking Regulation Act?

    (b) no banking company incorporated in India shall open a new place of business outside India or change, otherwise than within the same city, town or village in any country or area outside India, the location of an existing place of business situated in that country or area: Provided that nothing in this sub-section .

  • What is Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act?

    (b) no banking company incorporated in India shall open a new place of business outside India or change, otherwise than within the same city, town or village in any country or area outside India, the location of an existing place of business situated in that country or area: Provided that nothing in this sub-section .

  • What is the banking Act of Zimbabwe?

    AN ACT to provide for the registration, supervision and regulation of persons conducting banking business and financial activities in Zimbabwe; to establish a deposit protection scheme to protect de- positors in the event of the insolvency of a contributory institution; to repeal the Banking Act [Chap- ter 24:01]; to .

  • What is the National Payment Systems Act Zimbabwe?

    ACT To provide for the recognition, operation, regulation and supervision of systems for the clearing of payment instructions between financial institutions, for the netting or other settlement of obligations arising from such clearing and the discharge of indebtedness arising from such netting or settlement; to make .

  • Which section of Banking Regulation Act 1949?

    Section 35A.
    Power of the Reserve Bank to give directions.
    Section 35AA.
    Power of the Central Government to authorize Reserve Bank for issuing directions to banking companies to initiate insolvency resolution process..

  • Why is bank supervision and regulation important?

    What is the main purpose of bank regulation? Bank regulation is the process of setting and enforcing rules for banks and other financial institutions.
    The main purpose of a bank regulation is to protect consumers, ensure the stability of the financial system, and prevent financial crime..

  • ACT To provide for the recognition, operation, regulation and supervision of systems for the clearing of payment instructions between financial institutions, for the netting or other settlement of obligations arising from such clearing and the discharge of indebtedness arising from such netting or settlement; to make
  • AN ACT to provide for the registration, supervision and regulation of persons conducting banking business and financial activities in Zimbabwe; to establish a deposit protection scheme to protect de- positors in the event of the insolvency of a contributory institution; to repeal the Banking Act [Chap- ter 24:01]; to
  • The basic purpose of banking supervision is to safeguard the stability of the financial system, in order to prevent the vital role of the banking sector in the economy from suffering significant shocks or even collapsing.
  • The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 22:15] empowers the Reserve Bank to supervise banking institutions and foster stability and proper functioning of the financial system.
Banking Act, Chapter 24:20 [.pdf | 484KB]. REGULATION & SUPERVISION. Bank Supervision [Circulars, Guidelines] [Public Notices] [Licensing Requirements ] 
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This Act may be cited as the Banking Act [Chapter 24:20]. 2 Interpretation. (1) In this Act—. “accepting house” means a banking institution that conducts 

Can a bank exercise its functions under this act?

to exercise any functions conferred or imposed upon it by or in terms of any other enactment

Except as otherwise provided in this Act or any other enactment, in the exercise of its functions under this Act, the Bank shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority

Part III

REGISTRATION OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS 1. Banking business and banking activities not to be conducted except by registered banking institutions.
2) Classes of banking business. 3. Banking activities.
4) Registration of banking institutions.
5) Terms and conditions of registration.
6) Registration certificates.
7) Register of banking institutions. 8. .

Part IV

1) Commencement of banking business.
2) Conduct of banking and other business.
3) Board of banking institution.
4) Disqualification for appointment to board of banking institution.
5) Principal administrative office and principal officers of banking institution. 6. Banking institution to display its name a.

Part IX

1) Responsibilities of Reserve Bank.
2) Appointment of supervisors and inspectors.
3) Powers of supervisors.
4) Action that may be taken by Reserve Bank where banking institution found to have contravened condition of registration, etc.
5) Investigation into banking institution.
6) Procedure on c.

Part V

1) Minimum equity capital of banking institutions.
2) Minimum reserves to be maintained with Reserve Bank.
3) Prescription of further financial requirements.

Part Vi

1) Banking institution not to buy or make loans against own shares.
2) Restriction on payment of dividends, etc., by banking institutions.
3) Banking institution not to engage in non-banking business without permission.
4) Restriction on extending credit to officers, employees and certain.

Part VII

1) Accounts and annual financial statement.
2) Records of transactions.
3) Statements and other documents to be submitted to Reserve Bank and Registrar.
4) Display of certain information where banking business is conducted.


1) Audit committees.
2) Appointment of auditor.
3) Disqualifications from appointment as auditor.
4) Responsibilities of auditor.
5) Powers of auditor.

Part X

1) Placing of banking institution under curatorship.
2) Effect of placing banking institution under curatorship.
3) Duties and powers of curator.
4) Freezing of deposits and investments of banking institution under curatorship.
5) Special provisions relating to winding up or judicial management of b.

Part Xi

1) Deposit of approved securities by banking institution against cancellation of registration.
2) Loans by Reserve Bank to banking institutions.
3) Extension of time-limits.
4) Translations of documents, etc., may be demanded.
5) Powers of Reserve Bank and Registrar where unregistered person is suspect.

What action can be taken by Reserve Bank?


Action that may be taken by Reserve Bank where banking institution found to have contravened Act or condition of registration, etc

(b)require the institution or company to appoint a person who, in the Reserve Bank’s opinion, is qualified to advise the institution or company on the proper conduct of its business;

What are the provisions of a banking institution?

Freezing of deposits and investments of banking institution under curatorship

Special provisions relating to winding up or judicial management of banking institution

Deposit of approved securities by banking institution against cancellation of registration

Loans by Reserve Bank to banking institutions

What happens if a Bank violates subsection 1?

its name and a statement of the fact that it is registered as a commercial bank, an accepting house, a discount house or a finance house, as the case may be

(2)Any banking institution that contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level five

[subsection (2) amended by Act 22 of 2001] 22

Banking act that placed restrictions on investment firms

The Glass–Steagall Act was a part of the 1933 Banking Act.
It placed restrictions on activities that commercial banks and investment banks could do.
It effectively separated those activities, so the two types of business could not mix, in order to protect consumer's money from speculative use.
The Banking Act of 1935 clarified and otherwise amended Glass–Steagall.

Banking act that placed restrictions on investment firms

The Glass–Steagall Act was a part of the 1933 Banking Act.
It placed restrictions on activities that commercial banks and investment banks could do.
It effectively separated those activities, so the two types of business could not mix, in order to protect consumer's money from speculative use.
The Banking Act of 1935 clarified and otherwise amended Glass–Steagall.


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