Insolvency law journal submissions

  • How do I submit a law journal?

    It is common practice to submit your paper to more than one journal at a time.
    Some journals accept direct submissions to their email or through mail.
    Other journals may accept submissions online through ExpressO or Scholastica.
    ExpressO is an online service at

  • How do I submit to Scholastica?

    Once logged into your Scholastica account, click the "Submit a manuscript" button near the top of the page, which will bring you to the first step in the submission process: selecting law reviews. 2.
    If you only wish to submit your manuscript to one law review, search for or scroll to that title and click on it..

  • Submit Your Article

    Journal of Legal Studies & Research.International Journal of Legal Developments and Allied Issues.Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Review.Asia Pacific Law & Policy Review.Asian Law & Public Policy Review.Commonwealth Law Review Journal.Indian Politics & Law Review Journal.
  • Once logged into your Scholastica account, click the "Submit a manuscript" button near the top of the page, which will bring you to the first step in the submission process: selecting law reviews. 2.
    If you only wish to submit your manuscript to one law review, search for or scroll to that title and click on it.
All contributions to the Insolvency Law Journal are welcome and should be emailed to the Thomson Reuters Editor at
All contributions to the Insolvency Law Journal are welcome and should be emailed to the Thomson Reuters Editor at
Manuscript must be submitted electronically via email in Microsoft Word format. Manuscript should not exceed 15,000 words for articles or 1,500-2,000 words for section commentary or book reviews (including footnotes).
Submission requirements. All contributions to the Insolvency Law Journal are welcome and should be emailed to the Thomson Reuters Editor at. LTA.insolvlj 


When utilizing an acronym, refer to the item, bill or organization initially by its full title and the acronym in parentheses (do not use quotes). On subsequent references, the acronym stands alone (e.g., The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) is headquartered in Alexandria. ABI holds many conferences throughout the year.).

All Articles Must Contain

Title (no caps)


Always italicize case names and cite according to West Bankruptcy Reporterusing B.R.; otherwise, use Bluebook form. All citations must be placed in footnotes.


Headlines: at top of page, bold. NO all-caps or small caps. Always include a headline. Subheads:bold subheads, upper/lower case. Bylines: center and italicize the following beneath the title. Always include a byline. Written by: John Doe Firm or Company; City, State


Charts and graphs (up to three) may be placed within your document as you want them to appear, but always include the original images in a separate file(s) (e.g., Excel-generated charts used should be sent in their original Excel files or as PDFs). The online submission form enables you to upload images along with your article.


Indicate quotes with quotation marks, or indent the block of text on both sides. If you are omitting the beginning, end or any part of a text block, use the ellipsis (.).

Submitting Your Article

Once your topic has been approved, we will contact you with instructions and a link to submit your article. Your article must be submitted in an editable electronic format, preferably Microsoft Word. ABI does not retype articles. It is important to submit your article by the corresponding deadline. Articles submitted late may be held for a subseque.

Submitting Your Topic

This is the first step to being published in the ABI Journal. Please email your proposed article topic to Managing Editor Elizabeth A. Stoltz at by the topic deadline for the issue in which you would like to be published (see below). This helps us avoid topic duplication so that your article stands out, and enables us to bet.

Suggested Article Length

2,000-2,500 words (around 6 columns). Word count includes footnotes. ABI reserves the right to edit articles due to space constraints when necessary.

Who are international insolvency review's eminent academic lawyers?

International Insolvency Review would like to welcome to the ranks of the Editorial Board two eminent academic lawyers working in the insolvency field, Professor Juanitta Calitz and Professor Wai Yee Wan

Click here to read more

Who is EBRD insolvency & restructuring lawyer Catherine McMahon?

Since joining the Bank in 2012, Catherine has led the EBRD’s insolvency and restructuring legal reform work and has initiated EBRD projects spanning from insolvency law reform to institutional and regulatory capacity building

Insolvency law journal submissions
Insolvency law journal submissions

Academic journal

The Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (OUCLJ) is a postgraduate-edited international and comparative law journal from the University of Oxford's Faculty of Law, covering the study of legal trends and developments within and between Commonwealth jurisdictions.
The Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (OUCLJ) is

The Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (OUCLJ) is

Academic journal

The Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (OUCLJ) is a postgraduate-edited international and comparative law journal from the University of Oxford's Faculty of Law, covering the study of legal trends and developments within and between Commonwealth jurisdictions.


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