Bankruptcy law netherlands

  • How to file for bankruptcy in Netherlands?

    To do so, you must use the Voluntary petitioning for bankruptcy Form (Formulier Eigen aangifte faillietverklaring, in Dutch).
    You are not obliged to have a lawyer if you apply for your own bankruptcy, but you should be present when your case comes before the court.Nov 30, 2020.

  • What are the insolvency proceedings in the Netherlands?

    The two primary insolvency regimes under Dutch law are suspension of payment (“surseance van betaling”) and bankruptcy (“faillissement”)..

  • In short, the Dutch Scheme allows a business to restructure its debts by way of a composition plan whilst continuing its activities, among other things, by facilitating that such plan can be crammed down across opposing creditor classes if there is sufficient support from the in-the-money classes.May 11, 2023
  • The two primary insolvency regimes under Dutch law are suspension of payment (“surseance van betaling”) and bankruptcy (“faillissement”).
Answer: In the Netherlands, bankruptcy is declared if the debtor is in the position that he has ceased to pay. That is assumed as soon as at least two debts are left unpaid. A creditor can petition the court for the bankruptcy of the legal entity or private person.
In the Netherlands, bankruptcy is declared if the debtor is in the position that he has ceased to pay. That is assumed as soon as at least two debts are left unpaid. A creditor can petition the court for the bankruptcy of the legal entity or private person.
In the Netherlands, bankruptcy is declared if the debtor is in the position that he has ceased to pay. That is assumed as soon as at least two debts are left 

Can a debtor be declared bankrupt in the Netherlands?

A debtor can be declared bankrupt in The Netherlands if proven that the debtor has ceased payment to at least two creditors

A bankruptcy petition can therefore easily be used to put pressure on the debtor if payment is not made on time

However, the debts cited in the petition must still exist at the time of the bankruptcy hearing

What are the legal frameworks governing insolvency proceedings in the Netherlands?

The Dutch Bankruptcy Act ( Faillissementswet) and the European Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings are the primary legal frameworks governing insolvency proceedings in the Netherlands

There is no legal basis to restructure financially distressed but viable businesses outside of insolvency in the Netherlands

What is the primary legislation governing insolvency and restructuring proceedings?


What is the primary legislation governing insolvency and restructuring proceedings in your jurisdiction? The Dutch Bankruptcy Act ( Faillissementswet) and the European Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings are the primary legal frameworks governing insolvency proceedings in the Netherlands

Who can declare a person bankrupt?

The following parties can apply to have you declared bankrupt: ,the Public Prosecution Service, for instance if you have outstanding debts to many people the court, if you are involved in debt restructuring and you do not comply with the arrangements You do not need to be present when your case is in court

Videoland is a Dutch OTT online service provider owned by RTL Nederland.
Originally it was a retail chain of video rental stores.
Its main competitor is Netflix.
Videoland is registrered as a VOD-service in Luxembourg; hence the law of Luxembourg applies to Videoland.
Videoland is a Dutch OTT online service provider owned by RTL Nederland.
Originally it was a retail chain of video rental stores.
Its main competitor is Netflix.
Videoland is registrered as a VOD-service in Luxembourg; hence the law of Luxembourg applies to Videoland.


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