Insolvency law civil code

  • 17.
    Continuance of proceedings on death of debtor. —If a debtor by or against whom an insolvency petition has been presented dies, the proceedings in the matter shall, unless the Court otherwise orders, be continued so far as may be necessary for the realization and distribution of the property of the debtor.
  • What is Section 17 of the Insolvency Act?

    Continuance of proceedings on death of debtor. —If a debtor by or against whom an insolvency petition has been presented dies, the proceedings in the matter shall, unless the Court otherwise orders, be continued so far as may be necessary for the realization and distribution of the property of the debtor..

  • The EU Insolvency Regulation applies to collective insolvency proceedings involving the (partial or total) divestment of a debtor and the appointment of an insolvency office-holder whose function is to manage the debtor's estate for the benefit of all creditors in collective proceedings.
Insolvency occurs because a person cannot meet the civil liabilities he has assumed. Bankruptcy law is thus super-imposed on civil law 
Mar 7, 2023In English law, company voluntary arrangements ('CVAs') are generally accepted as paradigmatic insolvency proceedings though there is no need, 
May 12, 2017Companies and Insolvency LegislationBankruptcy ActCivil Procedure Act 2010 Chapter 21Companies Act – Chapter 486.
May 12, 2017World Insolvency Bankruptcy Commercial Laws by Region.
Insolvency proceedings (known as concurso de acreedores) apply to both civil debtors and traders, whether natural or legal persons. These requirements are 
These requirements are provided for in general in Article 1196 of the Civil Code (Código Civil) (reciprocity of the claims, uniformity of the debts, and that 

Can a debtor be discharged if he is insolvent?

Free legal advice visit BATASnatin YouTube for more details! SECTION 1

This Act shall be known and may be cited as The Insolvency Law, and in accordance with its provisionsevery insolvent debtor may be permitted to suspend payments or be discharged from his debts and liabilities


Insolvency Primarily Governed by Civil Code

Insolvency shall be governed by special laws insofar as they are not inconsistent with the CC  Special law referred to is the Insolvency Law

Insolvency, defined.

 Generally denotes the state of a person whose liabilities are more than his assets  Relative condition of a man’s assets and liabilities that the former if all made immediately available, wouldn’t be sufficient to discharge the latter

Purposes of The Insolvency Law

1. To effect an equitable distribution of the bankrupt’s property among his creditors.
2) To benefit the debtor in discharging him from his liabilities and enabling him to start afresh with the property set apart to him as exempt

What is considered insolvent under Philippine law?

Under the Philippine laws, an entity is considered insolvent if it is generally unable to pay its liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of business or has liabilities that are greater than its assets For insolvent entities, the law offers two main reliefs: ,(1) Rehabilitation and (2) Liquidation

What is insolvency law?


This Act shall be known and may be cited as The Insolvency Law, and in accordance with its provisionsevery insolvent debtor may be permitted to suspend payments or be discharged from his debts and liabilities


To effect an equitable distribution of the bankrupt’s property among his creditors 2

Insolvency law civil code
Insolvency law civil code

Criminal code of the Philippines

The Revised Penal Code contains the general penal laws of the Philippines.
First enacted in 1930, it remains in effect today, despite several amendments thereto.
It does not comprise a comprehensive compendium of all Philippine penal laws.
The Revised Penal Code itself was enacted as Act No. 3815, and some Philippine criminal laws have been enacted outside of the Revised Penal Code as separate Republic Acts.
The Revised Penal Code contains the general penal laws of

The Revised Penal Code contains the general penal laws of

Criminal code of the Philippines

The Revised Penal Code contains the general penal laws of the Philippines.
First enacted in 1930, it remains in effect today, despite several amendments thereto.
It does not comprise a comprehensive compendium of all Philippine penal laws.
The Revised Penal Code itself was enacted as Act No. 3815, and some Philippine criminal laws have been enacted outside of the Revised Penal Code as separate Republic Acts.


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