Basic electronics energy levels

  • What are semiconductors on the basis of energy bands?

    Semiconductors are classified by the fully occupied valence band and unoccupied conduction band.
    With the small band gap in between these two bands, it takes a certain amount of energy to excite the electrons from the valence to conduction band..

  • What are the different types of energy bands?

    The figure given below shows the conduction band, valence band, and the forbidden energy gap.
    Based on the size of the forbidden energy gap, the conductors, semiconductors, and insulators are formed.
    Conductors are the substances or materials that conduct electricity as they allow electricity to flow through them..

  • What is energy level in basic electronics?

    The electronic energy levels in semiconductors are grouped into energy bands.
    The highest (nearly) occupied band is denoted as the valence band and is separated from the lowest (nearly) unoccupied band, the conduction band, by a forbidden region of energy called the bandgap..

  • What is energy level in semiconductor?

    Energy levels due to electrons shared amongst atoms in a solid semiconductor are called energy bands.
    The filled energy level closest to the top of an energy level diagram for a semiconductor is called the valence band.
    The energy level above it is called the conduction band..

  • What is energy level of semiconductor?

    Energy levels due to electrons shared amongst atoms in a solid semiconductor are called energy bands.
    The filled energy level closest to the top of an energy level diagram for a semiconductor is called the valence band.
    The energy level above it is called the conduction band..

  • What is the energy band theory in basic electronics?

    Energy Band Theory
    According to Bohr's theory, every shell of an atom contains a discrete amount of energy at different levels.
    Energy band theory explains the interaction of electrons between the outermost shell and the innermost shell.Oct 26, 2019.

  • What is the energy level band?

    Inside a solid crystal, each electron has a different energy level because of slightly different patterns of the surrounding charges.
    These electron energy levels form a continuous energy variation called as the Energy Bands..

  • What is the energy level of a semiconductor?

    Energy levels due to electrons shared amongst atoms in a solid semiconductor are called energy bands.
    The filled energy level closest to the top of an energy level diagram for a semiconductor is called the valence band.
    The energy level above it is called the conduction band..

  • What is the forbidden band gap?

    The gap between the valence band and the conduction band is referred to as the forbidden gap.
    The difference in energy levels between the conduction band and valence band is known as the forbidden energy gap.
    No electron stays in the forbidden band..

  • What is the significance of Fermi level?

    It is important in determining the electrical and thermal properties of solids.
    The value of the Fermi level at absolute zero (−273.15 \xb0C) is called the Fermi energy and is a constant for each solid.
    The Fermi level changes as the solid is warmed and as electrons are added to or withdrawn from the solid..

  • When electrons jump to a higher energy level?

    An atom changes from a ground state to an excited state by taking on energy from its surroundings in a process called absorption.
    The electron absorbs the energy and jumps to a higher energy level.
    In the reverse process, emission, the electron returns to the ground state by releasing the extra energy it absorbed..

  • Electrons are always added to the lowest energy level first until it has the maximum number of electrons possible, and then electrons are added to the next higher energy level until that level is full, and so on.
  • Energy levels due to electrons shared amongst atoms in a solid semiconductor are called energy bands.
    The filled energy level closest to the top of an energy level diagram for a semiconductor is called the valence band.
    The energy level above it is called the conduction band.
  • Forbidden energy gap or Forbidden gap is a gap between the 'conduction band' and 'valence band' in a given material.
    It is clear from the name itself that it is a forbidden band that exists with no energy.
    This is the reason why there is no electron in this type of band.
  • Semiconductors are classified by the fully occupied valence band and unoccupied conduction band.
    With the small band gap in between these two bands, it takes a certain amount of energy to excite the electrons from the valence to conduction band.
  • The conduction band is the band of electron orbitals that electrons can jump up into from the valence band when excited.
    When the electrons are in these orbitals, they have enough energy to move freely in the material.
    This movement of electrons creates an electric current.
  • The energy band structure is the relationship between the energy and momentum of a carrier in a solid.
    For an electron in free space, the energy is proportional to the square of the momentum.
    The factor of proportionality is 1/(2m 0), where m 0 is the free electron mass.
  • When you look at the Periodic Table of the Elements, the energy levels of the atoms correspond to the rows of the table.
    The two elements in the top row, hydrogen and helium, are filling their first energy level with their final electrons.
    The eight elements of the second row are filling their second energy level.
These set of energy levels, which are closely packed are called as Energy bands.
  • Valance Band.
  • Conduction Band.
  • Forbidden gap.
  • Insulators.
  • Semiconductors.
  • Conductors.
  • Important Terms.
  • Ohm's Law.
We call these set of energy levels as energy bands.
  • Formation of Energy Bands. In an isolated atom, the electrons in each orbit possess definite energy.
  • Valence Band. The electrons in the outermost shell are known as valence electrons.
  • Conduction Band.
  • Forbidden Energy Gap.
  • Conductors.
  • Insulators.
  • Semiconductors.
Basic Electronics - Energy BandsValance BandConduction BandForbidden gapInsulatorsSemiconductorsConductorsImportant TermsOhm's Law.
Valance Band. The electrons move in the atoms in certain energy levels but the energy of the electrons in the innermost shell is higher than the outermost shell 

Conduction Band

The valence electrons are so loosely attached to the nucleus that even at room temperature, few of the valence electrons leave the band to be free. These are called as free electronsas they tend to move towards the neighboring atoms. These free electrons are the ones which conduct the current in a conductor and hence called as Conduction Electrons..


Conductors are such materials in which the forbidden energy gap disappears as the valence band and conduction band become very close that they overlap. Examples: Copper, Aluminum. The following figure shows the structure of energy bands in conductors.

Forbidden Gap

The gap between valence band and conduction band is called as forbidden energy gap. As the name implies, this band is the forbidden one without energy. Hence no electron stays in this band. The valence electrons, while going to the conduction band, pass through this. The forbidden energy gap if greater, means that the valence band electrons are tig.

Important Terms

There is a necessity to discuss a few important terms here before we move on to subsequent chapters.


Insulators are such materials in which the conduction cannot take place, due to the large forbidden gap. Examples: Wood, Rubber. The structure of energy bands in Insulators is as shown in the following figure.


Semiconductors are such materials in which the forbidden energy gap is small and the conduction takes place if some external energy is applied. Examples: Silicon, Germanium. The following figure shows the structure of energy bands in semiconductors.

Valance Band

The electrons move in the atoms in certain energy levels but the energy of the electrons in the innermost shell is higher than the outermost shell electrons. The electrons that are present in the outermost shell are called as Valance Electrons. These valance electrons, containing a series of energy levels, form an energy band which is called as Val.

What are the different types of energy level diagrams?

There are various types of energy level diagrams for bonds between atoms in a molecule

Examples Molecular orbital diagrams, Jablonski diagrams, and Franck–Condondiagrams

Energy level transitions[edit]

What is a basic electronic energy band?

Basic Electronics Energy Bands - In gaseous substances, the arrangement of molecules is not close

In liquids, the molecular arrangement is moderate

But, in solids, the molecules are so closely arranged, that the electrons in the atoms of molecules tend to move into the orbitals of neighboring atoms

Low-power wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth SIG

Bluetooth Low Energy is a wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group aimed at novel applications in the healthcare, fitness, beacons, security, and home entertainment industries.
It is independent of classic Bluetooth and has no compatibility, but Bluetooth Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate (BR/EDR) and LE can coexist.
The original specification was developed by Nokia in 2006 under the name Wibree, which was integrated into Bluetooth 4.0 in December 2009 as Bluetooth Low Energy.

Low-power wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth SIG

Bluetooth Low Energy is a wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group aimed at novel applications in the healthcare, fitness, beacons, security, and home entertainment industries.
It is independent of classic Bluetooth and has no compatibility, but Bluetooth Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate (BR/EDR) and LE can coexist.
The original specification was developed by Nokia in 2006 under the name Wibree, which was integrated into Bluetooth 4.0 in December 2009 as Bluetooth Low Energy.


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