Benchmark learning company

  • How do I contact benchmark education?

    If you have immediate questions, please contact Customer Service toll-free at 877 - 236 - 2465.
    When you call: Select option 1 for all Customer Service questions, including pricing and item numbers, to place an order, or to check on an existing order..

  • Who is the owner of Benchmark education?

    Thomas Reycraft, owner of Benchmark Education Co..

  • Benchmark Advance addresses the needs of all learners, from gifted and talented to those working below grade level, and supports independent reading outside the classroom, with the goal of developing the capacities of all California students to be broadly literate and ready for college, career, and citizenship.
  • It applies to the websites and applications, including (Benchmark Universe) and others (collectively, the “Sites”) that are owned and operated by Benchmark Education Company LLC or one of our affiliated companies.
  • Our Mission
    Our enduring goal is to empower all students with the agency and skills they need to s쳮d, by publishing cutting-edge literacy resources of the highest quality for learners and educators, advancing knowledge, growth, and achievement.
Benchmark Education is a leading provider of literacy and language programs, intervention resources, and professional teaching resources for K-12 ELA  CareersAbout UsBenchmark Advance & AdelanteContact Us
Benchmark Education is a leading provider of literacy and language programs, intervention resources, and professional teaching resources for K-12 ELA  CareersAbout UsContact UsBenchmark Advance & Adelante
Benchmark Learning is an online tutoring company that specializes in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science and Coding subject tutoring for students from Kindergarten to the 12th Grade.
Benchmark Learning is an online tutoring company that specializes in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science and Coding subject tutoring for students from Kindergarten to the 12th Grade.
Our Mission. Benchmark Education Company was founded and continues to operate with the firm belief that literacy mastery changes lives.

Colossal Collections Activity Books

Colossal Collections Activity Books feature over 180 mini-lessons, activities, and practice pages with teacher tips, answer keys, and more! Learn more.

Conquer Grammar

Mini-lessons, practice pages, and assessments with answer keys help students master grade-level grammar concepts.Learn more.
1) Subject-Verb Agreement(Grade 6)

Mindset Moments Motivational Handwriting

Motivational handwriting and cursive writing practice for students in grades 2-3 use growth mindset phrases.
Learn more.

Benchmark learning company
Benchmark learning company
Poland is a country located in Central Europe, situated between the Baltic Sea in the north and two mountain ranges in the south.
Since the fall of communism many major companies have been established in Poland.
The following list includes both fully Polish companies and foreign owned firms with independent Polish operations, such as Fiat Poland.
Most of Poland's economy since communism has been developed by small and medium businesses, but large corporations still control aspects of heavy industry, mining, and chemical refining.
Poland is a country located in Central Europe

Poland is a country located in Central Europe

Poland is a country located in Central Europe, situated between the Baltic Sea in the north and two mountain ranges in the south.
Since the fall of communism many major companies have been established in Poland.
The following list includes both fully Polish companies and foreign owned firms with independent Polish operations, such as Fiat Poland.
Most of Poland's economy since communism has been developed by small and medium businesses, but large corporations still control aspects of heavy industry, mining, and chemical refining.


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