Qiskit benchmarking


The Red Queen benchmark framework was created to facilitate the benchmarking algorithms used in quantum compilation.


Some design choices made during the development of this framework were based on the knowledge of the internals of the following established pytest plugins:


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 licence (see LICENSE)


Red Queen is a framework for benchmarking quantum compilation algorithms.
Since it was not designed as a package, there is no notion of installation.
Hence, you must clone this repository to use it:


This code is still under development.
There are many razer sharp edges.

Qiskit benchmarking
Qiskit benchmarking
Qiskit is an open-source software development kit (SDK) for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, pulses, and algorithms.
It provides tools for creating and manipulating quantum programs and running them on prototype quantum devices on IBM Quantum Platform or on simulators on a local computer.
It follows the circuit model for universal quantum computation, and can be used for any quantum hardware that follows this model.
Qiskit is an open-source software development kit (SDK)

Qiskit is an open-source software development kit (SDK)

Qiskit is an open-source software development kit (SDK) for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, pulses, and algorithms.
It provides tools for creating and manipulating quantum programs and running them on prototype quantum devices on IBM Quantum Platform or on simulators on a local computer.
It follows the circuit model for universal quantum computation, and can be used for any quantum hardware that follows this model.


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