Benchmarking government policies

  • How do you benchmark a policy?

    Analysing performance over time
    Benchmarking is an extremely effective tool for the observation, analysis and reporting of performance over a given time frame.
    Benchmarks help local authorities to establish the key performance drivers for their improvement plans and set appropriate future objectives..

  • What is benchmarking in public policy?

    benchmarking, technique of governance designed to improve the quality and efficiency of public services.
    In essence, benchmarking involves comparing specific aspects of a public problem with an ideal form of public action (the benchmark) and then acting to make the two converge..

  • What is government benchmarking?

    benchmarking, technique of governance designed to improve the quality and efficiency of public services.
    In essence, benchmarking involves comparing specific aspects of a public problem with an ideal form of public action (the benchmark) and then acting to make the two converge..

  • Why is benchmarking important in government?

    Benchmarking helps organizations to identify the areas where the gap between their standard and that of the industry is the largest.
    This helps organizations to prioritize the areas that they need to work on..

  • Why is benchmarking important in policy formulation?

    Benchmarking helps organizations to identify the areas where the gap between their standard and that of the industry is the largest.
    This helps organizations to prioritize the areas that they need to work on..

  • Why is benchmarking important in policy formulation?

    Benchmarking is defined as a continuous process of comparing an organization's systems and services to the best in the field.
    The guidebook contains step-by-step procedures on how to design and implement a benchmarking program for local law enforcement agencies..

  • A policy benchmark establishes a clear reference point against which to measure investment decision making that deviates from that default position, including attribution of results, sizing of bets, etc.
    It helps to focus decision making and measurement of tilts against the default strategy.
  • Benchmark Countries means the countries subject to the benchmarking carried out by Deloitte in relation to the Project, being Poland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Austria and Belgium.
benchmarking, technique of governance designed to improve the quality and efficiency of public services. In essence, benchmarking involves comparing specific aspects of a public problem with an ideal form of public action (the benchmark) and then acting to make the two converge.
benchmarking, technique of governance designed to improve the quality and efficiency of public services. In essence, benchmarking involves comparing 
In essence, benchmarking involves comparing specific aspects of a public problem with an ideal form of public action (the benchmark) and then acting to make the two converge. By making comparisons in this way, public administration is supposed to improve through processes of learning and emulation.

Agency Priority Goals

Agency Priority Goals (APGs) are a performance accountability structure of the GPRA Modernization Act that provides agencies a mechanism to focus leadership priorities, set outcomes, and measure results, bringing focus to mission areas where agencies need to drive significant progress and change.
APG statements are outcome-oriented, ambitious, and .

Can government policy implementation be benchmarked?

The benchmarking of government policy implementation has the potential to catalyse greater action to reduce obesity and NCDs.

Cross-Agency Priority Goals

Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals are a tool used by leadership to coordinate and promote progress on a limited number of Presidential priority areas where implementation requires active collaboration among multiple agencies.
Long-term in nature, CAP Goals drive cross-government collaboration to tackle government-wide management challenges affectin.


Enacted in 2010, the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act provides the foundation by which Federal agencies are held accountable for establishing management processes and setting performance goals and objectives that deliver results for the American taxpayer.
Designed to help focus agencies on their highest priorities and.

What is agency benchmarking?

Reestablish trust in your agency Benchmarking is the practice of comparing key performance measures, trends, and management processes with peer organizations.
It is an invaluable tool for measuring your performance successes and potential areas for improvement.

What is benchmarking in governance?

benchmarking, technique of governance designed to improve the quality and efficiency of public services.
In essence, benchmarking involves comparing specific aspects of a public problem with an ideal form of public action (the benchmark) and then acting to make the two converge.

What is regional local government benchmarking?

Benchmarking communities often find that developing a shared pool of best practices, resources, and even vendors can be just as helpful as developing common performance metrics.
Regional local government benchmarking is about building better and stronger communities across the board. 4.
Celebrate strengths .

Benchmarking government policies
Benchmarking government policies

Total amount of debt owed to lenders by a government/state

A country's gross government debt is the financial liabilities of the government sector.
Changes in government debt over time reflect primarily borrowing due to past government deficits.
A deficit occurs when a government's expenditures exceed revenues.
Government debt may be owed to domestic residents, as well as to foreign residents.
If owed to foreign residents, that quantity is included in the country's external debt.

Norwegian sovereign-wealth fund

The Government Pension Fund of Norway comprises two entirely separate sovereign wealth funds owned by the government of Norway.
The Hawke government was the federal executive government of Australia led

The Hawke government was the federal executive government of Australia led

The Hawke government was the federal executive government of Australia led by Prime Minister Bob Hawke of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) from 1983 to 1991.
The government followed the Liberal-National Coalition Fraser government and was succeeded by another Labor administration, the Keating government, led by Paul Keating after an internal party leadership challenge in 1991.
Keating was Treasurer through much of Hawke's term as Prime Minister and the period is sometimes termed the Hawke-Keating government.
The Keating government was the federal executive government of Australia led by

The Keating government was the federal executive government of Australia led by

Government of Australia, 1991-1996

The Keating government was the federal executive government of Australia led by Prime Minister Paul Keating of the Australian Labor Party from 1991 to 1996.
The government followed on from the Hawke government after Paul Keating replaced Bob Hawke as Labor leader in an internal party leadership challenge in 1991.
Together, these two governments are often collectively described as the Hawke-Keating government.
The Keating government was defeated in the 1996 federal election and was succeeded by the John Howard's Coalition government.
The Turnbull government was the federal executive government of Australia led by

The Turnbull government was the federal executive government of Australia led by

Australian government 2015–18

The Turnbull government was the federal executive government of Australia led by the 29th prime minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, from 2015 to 2018.
It succeeded the Abbott government, which brought the Coalition to power at the 2013 Australian federal election.
The government consisted of members of Australia's Liberal-Nationals Coalition.
Turnbull took office by challenging his leader, Tony Abbott, in an internal leadership ballot.
Warren Truss, the leader of the Nationals, served as Deputy Prime Minister until he retired in 2016 and was replaced by Barnaby Joyce.
Joyce resigned in February 2018 and the Nationals' new leader Michael McCormack became Deputy Prime Minister.
The Turnbull government concluded with Turnbull's resignation ahead of internal leadership ballot which saw him succeeded as Prime Minister by Scott Morrison and the Morrison government.

Declines in estimated credit worthiness

Several credit rating agencies around the world have downgraded their credit ratings of the U.S. federal government, including Standard & Poor's (S&P) which reduced the country's rating from AAA (outstanding) to AA+ (excellent) on August 5, 2011.
A country's gross government debt is the financial liabilities

A country's gross government debt is the financial liabilities

Total amount of debt owed to lenders by a government/state

A country's gross government debt is the financial liabilities of the government sector.
Changes in government debt over time reflect primarily borrowing due to past government deficits.
A deficit occurs when a government's expenditures exceed revenues.
Government debt may be owed to domestic residents, as well as to foreign residents.
If owed to foreign residents, that quantity is included in the country's external debt.

Norwegian sovereign-wealth fund

The Government Pension Fund of Norway comprises two entirely separate sovereign wealth funds owned by the government of Norway.
The Hawke government was the federal executive government of Australia led

The Hawke government was the federal executive government of Australia led

The Hawke government was the federal executive government of Australia led by Prime Minister Bob Hawke of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) from 1983 to 1991.
The government followed the Liberal-National Coalition Fraser government and was succeeded by another Labor administration, the Keating government, led by Paul Keating after an internal party leadership challenge in 1991.
Keating was Treasurer through much of Hawke's term as Prime Minister and the period is sometimes termed the Hawke-Keating government.
The Keating government was the federal executive government of Australia

The Keating government was the federal executive government of Australia

Government of Australia, 1991-1996

The Keating government was the federal executive government of Australia led by Prime Minister Paul Keating of the Australian Labor Party from 1991 to 1996.
The government followed on from the Hawke government after Paul Keating replaced Bob Hawke as Labor leader in an internal party leadership challenge in 1991.
Together, these two governments are often collectively described as the Hawke-Keating government.
The Keating government was defeated in the 1996 federal election and was succeeded by the John Howard's Coalition government.
The Turnbull government was the federal executive government of Australia led by

The Turnbull government was the federal executive government of Australia led by

Australian government 2015–18

The Turnbull government was the federal executive government of Australia led by the 29th prime minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, from 2015 to 2018.
It succeeded the Abbott government, which brought the Coalition to power at the 2013 Australian federal election.
The government consisted of members of Australia's Liberal-Nationals Coalition.
Turnbull took office by challenging his leader, Tony Abbott, in an internal leadership ballot.
Warren Truss, the leader of the Nationals, served as Deputy Prime Minister until he retired in 2016 and was replaced by Barnaby Joyce.
Joyce resigned in February 2018 and the Nationals' new leader Michael McCormack became Deputy Prime Minister.
The Turnbull government concluded with Turnbull's resignation ahead of internal leadership ballot which saw him succeeded as Prime Minister by Scott Morrison and the Morrison government.

Declines in estimated credit worthiness

Several credit rating agencies around the world have downgraded their credit ratings of the U.
S. federal government, including Standard & Poor's (S&P) which reduced the country's rating from AAA (outstanding) to AA+ (excellent) on August 5, 2011.


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