Biochemistry of blood

  • How is blood collected for biochemical analysis?

    Non-clotting blood must be obtained for some clinical-biochemical examinations.
    Blood is collected in containers with the addition of anticoagulant (anti-clotting) agents.
    Plasma is obtained by centrifuging non-clotting blood.
    Blood can be centrifuged immediately after collection, which saves time in acute conditions..

  • What are common biochemistry blood tests?

    Below are the meanings of the most common blood biochemical indices.

    Blood glucose concentration (Blood glucose concentration) Blood urea. Serum creatinine. AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT), GGT. ALP. Albumin. Bilirubin. Blood fat test index..

  • What are the biochemical indicators of blood?

    Below are the meanings of the most common blood biochemical indices.

    Blood glucose concentration (Blood glucose concentration) Blood urea. Serum creatinine. AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT), GGT. ALP. Albumin. Bilirubin. Blood fat test index..

  • What is the biochemistry of blood?

    Blood Biochemistry of the blood gives us an indication of what is happening with in the body.
    When different tissues are damaged the damaged cells release specific enzymes which our equipment detects as abnormal levels.
    This then helps localise the problem..

  • What is the biochemistry of the composition of blood?

    Blood is a fluid connective tissue composed of 55% plasma and 45% formed elements including WBCs, RBCs, and platelets.
    Since these living cells are suspended in plasma, blood is known as a fluid connective tissue and not just fluid..

  • What is the purpose of blood chemistry testing?

    Blood chemistry tests measure levels of certain substances in the blood that can tell your doctor whether or not various organs are healthy and functioning properly during treatment..

  • Non-clotting blood must be obtained for some clinical-biochemical examinations.
    Blood is collected in containers with the addition of anticoagulant (anti-clotting) agents.
    Plasma is obtained by centrifuging non-clotting blood.
    Blood can be centrifuged immediately after collection, which saves time in acute conditions.
Analysis of blood biochemistry is useful in the determination of ECF volume status based on knowledge of the normal physiologic response to volume contraction 
Blood Biochemistry of the blood gives us an indication of what is happening with in the body. When different tissues are damaged the damaged cells release specific enzymes which our equipment detects as abnormal levels. This then helps localise the problem.

What components make up blood?

The different components that make up blood.
Plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets.
If you prick your finger or scrape your knee, you'll see some droplets of blood form.
Just by eye, these droplets may seem to be made of uniform red liquid, similar to food coloring or paint.

What is the function of blood?

Blood, fluid that transports oxygen and nutrients to cells and carries away carbon dioxide and other waste products.
Blood contains specialized cells that serve particular functions.
These cells are suspended in a liquid matrix known as plasma.
Learn more about the components and function of blood.

What types of blood are found in mammals?

Blood composition varies among species.
Mammalian blood consists of plasma, red and white cells (erythrocytes and leukocyte s), and platelets (thrombocytes).
Blood disorders include:

  • polycythemia (abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells)
  • anemia
  • leukemia
  • and hemophilia.
  • Why is blood called a fluid?

    It has sometimes been called a fluid “tissue,” because like solid tissues it contains several types of cells which perform complex functions for the human body.
    The components of blood are produced mainly in the bone marrow, where special cells produce red cells, white cells, and platelets.

    Rare blood type

    hh, or the Bombay blood group, is a rare blood type.
    This blood phenotype was first discovered in Bombay by Dr.
    Bhende in 1952.
    It is mostly found in the Indian sub-continent and Iran.

    Rare blood type

    hh, or the Bombay blood group, is a rare blood type.
    This blood phenotype was first discovered in Bombay by Dr.
    Bhende in 1952.
    It is mostly found in the Indian sub-continent and Iran.


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