Bioinformatics name

  • Bioinformatics databases

    In the beginning of the 1970s, Ben Hesper and I started to use the term “bioinformatics” for the research we wanted to do, defining it as “the study of informatic processes in biotic systems”..

  • Branches of bioinformatics

    Bioinformatics provides powerful computational tools to analyze and manage the vast amounts of data generated in biotechnology research, and it can also help to identify new targets for biotechnology applications..

  • Branches of bioinformatics

    Dayhoff is known as the founder of bioinformatics.
    This she did by pioneering the application of mathematics and computational techniques to the sequencing of proteins and nucleic acids and establishing the first publicly available database for research in the area..

  • Branches of bioinformatics

    The Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCB) program is an interdisciplinary program that involves the application of mathematics and computing to the study of genes and proteins; computational biology addresses more general questions involving computing applied to cellular and sub-cellular structures..

  • What is another name for bioinformatics?

    In practice the definition used by most people is narrower; bioinformatics to them is a synonym for “computational molecular biology”- the use of computers to characterize the molecular components of living things..

  • What is bioinformatics also known as?

    Bioinformaticians are scientists who develop and conduct research based on a bioinformatics approach, they do not just use the tools to better understand a biological problem..

  • What is bioinformatics in one word?

    noun (used with a singular verb)Computers, Genetics. the retrieval and analysis of biochemical and biological data using mathematics and computer science, as in the study of genomes..

  • What is meant by the term bioinformatics?

    Bioinformatics is defined as the application of tools of computation and analysis to the capture and interpretation of biological data.
    It is an interdisciplinary field, which harnesses computer science, mathematics, physics, and biology (fig ​ 1)..

  • What is other names of bioinformatics?

    The first definition of the term bioinformatics was coined by Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper in 1970, to refer to the study of information processes in biotic systems.
    This definition placed bioinformatics as a field parallel to biochemistry (the study of chemical processes in biological systems)..

  • When was the term bioinformatics created?

    The first definition of the term bioinformatics was coined by Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper in 1970, to refer to the study of information processes in biotic systems..

  • Where does the term bioinformatics come from?

    The term bioinformatics was coined by Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper to describe “the study of informatic processes in biotic systems” and it found early use when the first biological sequence data began to be shared..

that bioinformatics would be insightful. These are sequences being compared in a MUSCLE multiple sequence alignment (MSA). Each sequence name  HistoryGoalsStructural bioinformaticsOthers
Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper first coined the term bioinformatics as a work concept.
The term Bioinformatics was first coined in the year 1960 by the two Dutch biologists named Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper. According to their research and discoveries, Bioinformatics was defined as the study of information processes in biotic systems.
Bioinformatics is the name given to these mathematical and computing approaches used to glean understanding of biological processes. Common activities in  HistoryGoalsSequence analysisStructural bioinformatics
The term Bioinformatics was first coined in the year 1960 by the two Dutch biologists named Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper. According to their research and discoveries, Bioinformatics was defined as the study of information processes in biotic systems.
The term Bioinformatics was first coined in the year 1960 by the two Dutch biologists named Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper. According to their research and discoveries, Bioinformatics was defined as the study of information processes in biotic systems.
The term bioinformatics was first used by Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper in 1970 as “The study of informatics processes in biotic systems.” However, researcher Margaret Dayhoff is known as the mother of bioinformatics.
Bioinformatics name
Bioinformatics name
The Benjamin Franklin Award is an annual award for Open Access in the Life Sciences presented by to an individual who has, in his or her practice, promoted free and open access to the materials and methods used in the life sciences.
The Benjamin Franklin Award is an annual award for

The Benjamin Franklin Award is an annual award for

The Benjamin Franklin Award is an annual award for Open Access in the Life Sciences presented by to an individual who has, in his or her practice, promoted free and open access to the materials and methods used in the life sciences.


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Bioinformatics packages
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Bioinformatics target prediction
Bioinformatics tasks classification
Bioinformatics target validation
Bioinformatics target gene analysis
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Wabi bioinformatics
Bioinformatics databases list
Ebi bioinformatics