Biological psychologists list

  • Psychologist name list

    What is a biological psychologist? A biological psychologist researches brain functions to understand human behaviors and how the effects of mental illnesses or injuries can cause a response in human behavior.
    Biological psychologists may work on medical treatments to assist with therapies or rehabilitation programs..

  • Psychologist name list

    Who Founded the Neuroscience/Biological Perspective.
    This theory was actually founded by Charles Darwin.
    This scientist studied the way that genetics and evolution interact within any society and the way that natural selection continues to provide ways for the human species to grow and to change..

  • What are biological psychologists called?

    Biology + Psychology
    Biopsychology (also known as physiological psychology, behavioral neuroscience or psychobiology) is an interdisciplinary field that analyzes how the brain and neurotransmitters influence our behaviors, thoughts and feelings..

  • What are examples of biological psychology?

    10 Biological Psychology Examples

    The study of brain activity.
    A scientist is interested in understanding how the brain operates while someone is reading. Lesion studies. The study of hormones. Twin Studies. GWAS. Epigenetics. Asking Proximate Questions. Animal-models..

  • What are the 5 main psychologist?

    We've compiled a list of the 5 most important people in the history of psychology.

    Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930) Jean Piaget (1896-1980) B.F..

  • Where are most psychologists found?

    Common employment settings for psychologists include:

    Mental health clinics.Hospitals and physician offices.Private clinics.Prisons and correctional facilities.Government agencies.Schools, colleges, and universities.Veterans hospitals..

  • Who are the 4 main psychologists and what are their theories named?

    Ivan Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory.Freud's Psychoanalysis Theory.Freud's Unconscious Mind Theory.Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory.Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory..

  • Who are the famous biology psychologists?

    The founding of the biological field of psychology is largely attributed to Charles Darwin, but the works of physician John Harlow, primatologist Jane Goodall, and psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby have contributed to the field as well..

  • Who are the important figures in biopsychology?

    Roger Sperry – American neurobiologist.
    He shared a 1981 Nobel Prize for studies of the organization and functioning of the brain.
    American neurobiologist who pioneered the behavioral investigation of “split-brain” animals and humans, establishing that each hemisphere of the brain controls specific higher functions..

  • Who are the major biological psychologists?

    The founding of the biological field of psychology is largely attributed to Charles Darwin, but the works of physician John Harlow, primatologist Jane Goodall, and psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby have contributed to the field as well..

  • The claim that "everything psychological is biological" is arguing for the side that does not support mind-body dualism.
    The statement claims that all of the psychological functions, such as emotions, thoughts, memories, and a person's identity all reside in the biological tissues that are the human brain and body.
10 Biological Psychology ExamplesThe study of brain activity. A scientist is interested in understanding how the brain operates while someone 
Rating 5.0 (1) 1913-1994 American psychologist who received the Nobel prize in 1981 for his pioneering research on brain specialization in split-brain patients. Carl Wernicke.
Rating 5.0 (1) 1913-1994 American psychologist who received the Nobel prize in 1981 for his pioneering research on brain specialization in split-brain patients.
Rating 5.0 (1) Paul Broca. (1824- 1880) Found that injury to a particular part of the left frontal lobe (now known as Broca's area) resulted in a kind of asphasia in which the 
Alfred Adler (Founder of the school of individual psychology)Mary AinsworthEstefania Aldaba-LimGeorge AlbeeJoseph P. AllenJüri AllikLauren Alloy 
Because all behaviour is controlled by the central nervous system, biological psychologists seek to understand how the brain functions in order to understand 
Specialized lists of psychologists can be found at the articles on comparative psychology, list of clinical psychologists, list of developmental psychologists, 
This list includes notable psychologists and contributors to psychology, some of whom may not have thought of themselves primarily as psychologists but are 


•Theodora Mead Abel


•Viktor Emil Frankl


Alexander Bain


•Albert Bandura


•Max Wertheimer


Alfred Binet


Friedrich Eduard Beneke

Is a career in biological psychology a good choice?

If you're interested in psychology and biology, a career in biological psychology may be a path to consider.
In this field, you can examine human behavior and how human biology can affect it.
You may also learn the relationship between human physiology and how humans think, act and feel emotions.


•Daniel Kahneman


Psychology is a scientific discipline that studies psychological and biological processes and behaviour in humans and other animals.
This is an alphabetically ordered list of psychologists arranged by place of origin or residence. (See also applied psychology; behaviourism; biological psychology; child psychology; clinical psychology; cognitive psy.

What does a biopsychologist do?

They study and perform research on the brain and behavior.
By examining the neural bases of behavior, biopsychologists are able to understand different biological factors that might impact how people think, feel, and act.
This type of psychologist might also have a job that involves investigating how brain disease and injury impact behavior.

Where can I find a list of psychologists?

Specialized lists of psychologists can be found at the articles on comparative psychology, list of clinical psychologists, list of developmental psychologists, list of educational psychologists, list of evolutionary psychologists, list of social psychologists, and list of cognitive scientists.

This list is of notable psychiatrists.
The prescriptive authority for psychologists (RxP) movement is a movement in the United States of America among certain psychologists to give prescriptive authority to psychologists with predoctoral or postdoctoral graduate-level training in clinical psychopharmacology; successful passage of a standardized, national examination ; supervised clinical experience; or a certificate from the Department of Defense Psychopharmacology Demonstration Project; or a diploma from the Prescribing Psychologists Register to enable them, according to state law, to prescribe psychotropic medications to treat mental disorders.
This approach is non-traditional medical training focused on the specialized training to prescribe for mental health disorders by a psychologist.
It includes rigorous didactics and supervised clinical experience.
Legislation pertaining to prescriptive authority for psychologists has been introduced over 180 times in over half of the United States.
It has passed in six states, due largely to substantial lobbying efforts by the American Psychological Association (APA), the largest professional organization of psychologists in the world with over 146,000 members.
Prior to RxP legislation and in American states where it has not been passed, this role has been played by psychiatrists, who possess a medical degree and thus the authority to prescribe medication, but more frequently by primary care providers who can prescribe psychotropics, but lack extensive training in psychotropic drugs and in diagnosing and treating psychological disorders.
According to the APA, the movement is a reaction to the growing public need for mental health services, particularly in under-resourced areas where patients have little or no access to psychiatrists.

This list is of notable psychiatrists.
The prescriptive authority for psychologists (RxP) movement is a movement in the United States of America among certain psychologists to give prescriptive authority to psychologists with predoctoral or postdoctoral graduate-level training in clinical psychopharmacology; successful passage of a standardized, national examination ; supervised clinical experience; or a certificate from the Department of Defense Psychopharmacology Demonstration Project; or a diploma from the Prescribing Psychologists Register to enable them, according to state law, to prescribe psychotropic medications to treat mental disorders.
This approach is non-traditional medical training focused on the specialized training to prescribe for mental health disorders by a psychologist.
It includes rigorous didactics and supervised clinical experience.
Legislation pertaining to prescriptive authority for psychologists has been introduced over 180 times in over half of the United States.
It has passed in six states, due largely to substantial lobbying efforts by the American Psychological Association (APA), the largest professional organization of psychologists in the world with over 146,000 members.
Prior to RxP legislation and in American states where it has not been passed, this role has been played by psychiatrists, who possess a medical degree and thus the authority to prescribe medication, but more frequently by primary care providers who can prescribe psychotropics, but lack extensive training in psychotropic drugs and in diagnosing and treating psychological disorders.
According to the APA, the movement is a reaction to the growing public need for mental health services, particularly in under-resourced areas where patients have little or no access to psychiatrists.


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